#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
Body Language Secrets You Need to Know
by: Royane Real
Some body language experts claim that only about 7% of our messages to other people are communicated through the words we speak. The rest of our messages are conveyed through our body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions.
During your entire life you have been sending messages to others through your posture, gestures, and facial expressions.
Even if you never say a word, your face and body are constantly sending out messages to other people about your state of mind, your happiness, and your level of confidence.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
The Crusades Of Writing
by: Tushar Jain
This article does not discuss what to write or how to write, but merely a favorite – why to write.
The world appears in its dissatisfactions. Potential lies in the prospect that desires to change it, and prosperity lies in the chaotic chase that has already begun. Writing is barely a provision of the many to choose from.
Any man can breathe. Any man can disembowel liquid. Any man can write.
Writing becomes a necessity when the worthier elements of life like love and joy, become pursuits instead of possessions. Those who like to mouth ‘I love to write’ might as well have ‘loved to bungee jump’. So often, writing is an escape rather than a commitment, an alternative rather than a motive, a hobby rather than an involvement.
The difference between writing, when writing is the object of a desire, and writing, when it is the dearth of one, is similar to the difference between consuming food through your mouth or your nostrils. One is precise; the other is either foolhardy or deliberate.
A failure in one’s life is an achievement in one’s vanities. A hurt pride resorts to dissimilar paths of self-absorption eluding the one that confronts its vulnerabilities. Those who fail as intellectuals, rise as diplomats, but never cede to be individuals – because compliance with circumstances defeats the purport of the indomitable convictions of man, so likely, we forge more humane opportunities. Opportunities that are severely consistent, ripe and simple. Opportunities like writing.
Once again, take notice – Any man can breathe. Any man can disembowel liquid. Any man can write.
The object of scrutiny when two things are placed in contrasting contest is not spurious triumph, but progress through aptitude. Sometimes, it is essential to lose, and sometimes it is downright pivotal; it is forever substantial to remember that neither is success a construct of victories, nor is it a servant of one. Success lies deep in the path of experience and often, unknowingly, people who disembowel liquid, bungee jumpers, writers - pass it demurely. It is a fervent moment writhing within several unnamed others; it cannot be achieved, it has to be a yielding harvest.
In writing, there are no discoveries, only inventions – those, that either concoct interest or intrigue. If anything in the written connotation is a function of the former, it is languid and specious. If anything, at all, as it has been a rarity for so long, compromises with the latter, it is grand, unique, most welcome, and most awaited.
Uselessness is an innate, inherent part of writing anything. Futility, you see, is perfect and the only thing that is so. Those who master it are legends, those who come across it accidentally are writers, and those who tend towards it are fools. Those who come closest are renowned as professionals.
Precision in any sort of writing is a triviality and a widowed cliché. There is no ‘bull’s eye’ in perspectives, in predilection or in opinion; it is consequential to generalize. A thing that is meant to socialize with more than a single existent word should never focus or centralize acutely. It’ll fail to stand ground, and eventually fail to impress.
The diversity one writer inures to delineate himself from another is only in an unrealized, imperfect conformity of perseverance. Hard work is an unknown realm, a world within a world, a most secret horizon of each written syllable – when we expand these realms and horizons, when we free our worlds, we can hope towards hope… to be writers. A just and lively hope to be good writers, and if not, efficient in the least.
There is still a last truth to reckon with, again and again, until it is defunct and old and as gray as cement stripping off naked walls –
Any man can breathe. Any man can disembowel liquid. Any man can write.
Learn to survive it.
About The Author
Tushar Jain
Any queries - shoot them at mosaics12@rediffmail.com
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
Women Hold Up Half the Sky
by: Arthur Buchanan
Women and Mental Health Research
Mental illnesses affect women and men differently. Some disorders are more common in women, and some express themselves with different symptoms. Scientists are only now beginning to tease apart the contribution of various biological and psychosocial factors to mental health and mental illness in both women and men. In addition, researchers are currently studying the special problems of treatment for serious mental illness during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Research on women's health has grown substantially in the last 20 years. Today's studies are helping to clarify the risk and protective factors for mental disorders in women and to improve women's mental health treatment outcome.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Tight Lines, Writers!
by: Jenna Glatzer
“Tight lines” is a good luck wish among fishermen. When you’ve hooked a fish, your line tightens up.
I was musing on this expression as my husband critiqued my lousy casting skills on our latest fishing expedition. Anthony’s as accurate a caster as they come. He can pinpoint a particular far-away reed and cast an inch in front of it.
We were going for bass, and he explained that bass like to hide out on the perimeters of a lake, under rocks and in between plants. Problem is, I can’t pinpoint anything. I aim my pole right and the line somehow flies left. I aim fifty feet away and it somehow shoots straight up in the air and plunks down five feet in front of the boat.
Fishing is part plain luck, but there’s a lot of strategizing to it, too. You have to pick the right spot, the right time of day, the right bait, the right rig, the right technique. You could just toss a worm out and hope something hits, but your odds are a lot better if you make the effort to put a tasty-looking treat right in front of the fish’s mouth.
Kind of like querying.
Oh, you knew there was a writing reference in here somewhere!
As I aimlessly hurled my plastic worm into the middle of the lake, I got more and more frustrated watching Anthony pull in fish. Smug show-off! But really, he was doing a much better job of appealing to his target than I was.
When you have a great idea, write a query, and toss it out to every editor you can think of, you’re the Jenna fisherwoman. You figure that if you just toss that line out there enough, some smart editor is going to come snatch it up. And sometimes you’ll get lucky, but more often, you’ll come up empty. What you really want is to be the Anthony fisherman.
So let’s go over those editor-luring techniques.
The Right Spot:
This is the most important part of the equation. You have to know where your idea will fit. Don’t assume that just because your topic is about weddings, it’ll be right for every wedding magazine. Pick a magazine genre and get to know it well. Read at least five or six wedding magazines, cover to cover, and jot down the names of the sections and columns. How long are the articles in each section? What is the tone? Is the magazine targeting brides on a budget or no-expense-is-too-silly ones? Which topics seem to come up in every issue? Know exactly where your article would fit within the magazine and be prepared to tell the editor.
The Right Time:
Magazines have long lead times (the time between an article’s acceptance and the time when it’s published), sometimes a year or more, but typically more like four to six months. Your great Christmas pitch is not going to get accepted in October. Think ahead and pitch ahead. Want to pitch an article about picking a flattering swimsuit or how to choose a summer camp? Do it in the early winter or you might as well wait until the following year.
The Right Bait:
This is your query itself, and it has to be irresistible. A small weed stuck to your lure will tip off the bass that it’s fake. Every sentence of your query has to reek of professionalism. Mimic the tone of the article in your query. The first paragraph of the query should read like the first paragraph of your proposed article. Include samples of your research and names of those you plan to interview. Throw in a juicy quotation from one of them if possible.
The Right Rig:
These are your clips. If your query doesn’t work, the clips probably won’t even be read. But if your query is good, your clips can make or break the deal. Don’t blow it by including samples from your blog, Epinions, WriteforCash, your high school newspaper, or an e-zine that runs anything people send in. This will automatically tell the editor that you have no professional experience. Even if that’s the case, you don’t want to flaunt it. Build up those clips any way you can, preferably in print (community newspapers, regional magazines, and trade magazines are less competitive than national consumer magazines, and all respectable places to earn clips).
Understand that if you’ve never proven yourself in a particular area of writing (health writing, let’s say), you probably won’t get a plum feature assignment that requires heavy research. Either write the article on spec to show you can handle it, or start by pitching shorter, front-of-the-book items to prove your chops.
The Right Technique:
Some editors prefer longer queries, some prefer shorter. Some accept reprints, some don’t. Some are okay with simultaneous submissions, multiple submissions, e-mail queries, and informal letters of introduction – some aren’t. You’ll learn some of these things in the writers’ guidelines that you find on a magazine’s website or in the Writer’s Market or the American Directory of Writer’s Guidelines. Others, you can find out by networking with writers on message boards like http://absolutewrite.com/forums/ and www.mediabistro.com/bbs, or joining groups like www.freelancesuccess.com and www.asja.org. And some you’ll learn along the way through trial and error. There is no one-size-fits-all technique that’ll work for all editors. About all they seem to agree on is that they hate it when their names are misspelled!
My biggest mistake as a beginning freelancer was the same as my biggest fishing trouble: I didn’t target well. I’d come up with an idea and send it to every editor I could find in the Writer’s Market who sounded remotely appropriate for my topic, whether I’d read the magazines or not.
Now I know that it’s a sign of respect for my profession and my industry if I take the time to study the detailed guidelines editors provide every month: their magazines. Before I can figure out how to bait my hook, I first need to find out what the fish are biting. And if I’m feeling strapped for cash, I don’t even need to buy copies – I can head to the library and spend my afternoon reading and taking notes there.
Part of the thrill of fishing is that you don’t catch a fish every time you throw your line out. It wouldn’t feel like an accomplishment if you did. Sometimes, you can do everything right – the perfect cast, the perfect spot – and not even feel a nibble. When this happens with a query, there may be something going on behind the scenes you don’t know about: Maybe they’ve recently assigned an article on your topic, or the section is about to be redesigned, or the editor’s budget for freelancers just got slashed.
What matters is that you get that line back in the water fast, and target your next mark just as carefully. Soon, you’ll reel in assignments with ease.
Tight lines, writers!
About The Author
Jenna Glatzer is the editor of http://www.absolutewrite.com (pick up a FREE list of agents looking for new writers!) and the author of 14 books, including MAKE A REAL LIVING AS A FREELANCE WRITER, which comes with a FREE Editors' Cheat Sheet. She's also Celine Dion's authorized biographer. Visit Jenna at http://www.jennaglatzer.com
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
Women Hold Up Half the Sky
by: Arthur Buchanan
Women and Mental Health Research
Mental illnesses affect women and men differently. Some disorders are more common in women, and some express themselves with different symptoms. Scientists are only now beginning to tease apart the contribution of various biological and psychosocial factors to mental health and mental illness in both women and men. In addition, researchers are currently studying the special problems of treatment for serious mental illness during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Research on women's health has grown substantially in the last 20 years. Today's studies are helping to clarify the risk and protective factors for mental disorders in women and to improve women's mental health treatment outcome.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Tight Lines, Writers!
by: Jenna Glatzer
“Tight lines” is a good luck wish among fishermen. When you’ve hooked a fish, your line tightens up.
I was musing on this expression as my husband critiqued my lousy casting skills on our latest fishing expedition. Anthony’s as accurate a caster as they come. He can pinpoint a particular far-away reed and cast an inch in front of it.
We were going for bass, and he explained that bass like to hide out on the perimeters of a lake, under rocks and in between plants. Problem is, I can’t pinpoint anything. I aim my pole right and the line somehow flies left. I aim fifty feet away and it somehow shoots straight up in the air and plunks down five feet in front of the boat.
Fishing is part plain luck, but there’s a lot of strategizing to it, too. You have to pick the right spot, the right time of day, the right bait, the right rig, the right technique. You could just toss a worm out and hope something hits, but your odds are a lot better if you make the effort to put a tasty-looking treat right in front of the fish’s mouth.
Kind of like querying.
Oh, you knew there was a writing reference in here somewhere!
As I aimlessly hurled my plastic worm into the middle of the lake, I got more and more frustrated watching Anthony pull in fish. Smug show-off! But really, he was doing a much better job of appealing to his target than I was.
When you have a great idea, write a query, and toss it out to every editor you can think of, you’re the Jenna fisherwoman. You figure that if you just toss that line out there enough, some smart editor is going to come snatch it up. And sometimes you’ll get lucky, but more often, you’ll come up empty. What you really want is to be the Anthony fisherman.
So let’s go over those editor-luring techniques.
The Right Spot:
This is the most important part of the equation. You have to know where your idea will fit. Don’t assume that just because your topic is about weddings, it’ll be right for every wedding magazine. Pick a magazine genre and get to know it well. Read at least five or six wedding magazines, cover to cover, and jot down the names of the sections and columns. How long are the articles in each section? What is the tone? Is the magazine targeting brides on a budget or no-expense-is-too-silly ones? Which topics seem to come up in every issue? Know exactly where your article would fit within the magazine and be prepared to tell the editor.
The Right Time:
Magazines have long lead times (the time between an article’s acceptance and the time when it’s published), sometimes a year or more, but typically more like four to six months. Your great Christmas pitch is not going to get accepted in October. Think ahead and pitch ahead. Want to pitch an article about picking a flattering swimsuit or how to choose a summer camp? Do it in the early winter or you might as well wait until the following year.
The Right Bait:
This is your query itself, and it has to be irresistible. A small weed stuck to your lure will tip off the bass that it’s fake. Every sentence of your query has to reek of professionalism. Mimic the tone of the article in your query. The first paragraph of the query should read like the first paragraph of your proposed article. Include samples of your research and names of those you plan to interview. Throw in a juicy quotation from one of them if possible.
The Right Rig:
These are your clips. If your query doesn’t work, the clips probably won’t even be read. But if your query is good, your clips can make or break the deal. Don’t blow it by including samples from your blog, Epinions, WriteforCash, your high school newspaper, or an e-zine that runs anything people send in. This will automatically tell the editor that you have no professional experience. Even if that’s the case, you don’t want to flaunt it. Build up those clips any way you can, preferably in print (community newspapers, regional magazines, and trade magazines are less competitive than national consumer magazines, and all respectable places to earn clips).
Understand that if you’ve never proven yourself in a particular area of writing (health writing, let’s say), you probably won’t get a plum feature assignment that requires heavy research. Either write the article on spec to show you can handle it, or start by pitching shorter, front-of-the-book items to prove your chops.
The Right Technique:
Some editors prefer longer queries, some prefer shorter. Some accept reprints, some don’t. Some are okay with simultaneous submissions, multiple submissions, e-mail queries, and informal letters of introduction – some aren’t. You’ll learn some of these things in the writers’ guidelines that you find on a magazine’s website or in the Writer’s Market or the American Directory of Writer’s Guidelines. Others, you can find out by networking with writers on message boards like http://absolutewrite.com/forums/ and www.mediabistro.com/bbs, or joining groups like www.freelancesuccess.com and www.asja.org. And some you’ll learn along the way through trial and error. There is no one-size-fits-all technique that’ll work for all editors. About all they seem to agree on is that they hate it when their names are misspelled!
My biggest mistake as a beginning freelancer was the same as my biggest fishing trouble: I didn’t target well. I’d come up with an idea and send it to every editor I could find in the Writer’s Market who sounded remotely appropriate for my topic, whether I’d read the magazines or not.
Now I know that it’s a sign of respect for my profession and my industry if I take the time to study the detailed guidelines editors provide every month: their magazines. Before I can figure out how to bait my hook, I first need to find out what the fish are biting. And if I’m feeling strapped for cash, I don’t even need to buy copies – I can head to the library and spend my afternoon reading and taking notes there.
Part of the thrill of fishing is that you don’t catch a fish every time you throw your line out. It wouldn’t feel like an accomplishment if you did. Sometimes, you can do everything right – the perfect cast, the perfect spot – and not even feel a nibble. When this happens with a query, there may be something going on behind the scenes you don’t know about: Maybe they’ve recently assigned an article on your topic, or the section is about to be redesigned, or the editor’s budget for freelancers just got slashed.
What matters is that you get that line back in the water fast, and target your next mark just as carefully. Soon, you’ll reel in assignments with ease.
Tight lines, writers!
About The Author
Jenna Glatzer is the editor of http://www.absolutewrite.com (pick up a FREE list of agents looking for new writers!) and the author of 14 books, including MAKE A REAL LIVING AS A FREELANCE WRITER, which comes with a FREE Editors' Cheat Sheet. She's also Celine Dion's authorized biographer. Visit Jenna at http://www.jennaglatzer.com
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
The Simple Secret for Making More Friends
by: Royane Real
When you meet new people for the first time, do you usually like most of the new people that you meet?
Or do you find that you usually dislike new people, unless they can eventually prove after a long time that they deserve your friendship?
Perhaps you have never thought about this before. And you may even wonder if it’s really important. Does it really matter very much if you like most people when you first meet them, or if you decide to like them much later, after you get to know them better?
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
How to Write a Great Combat Scene - Advice for Fantasy Writers
by Will Kalif
A great combat scene is a memorable event in your reader's life. It is a microcosm of the struggle that is contained in the book itself. And good combat scenes are often dog-eared by readers and returned to over and over again. You can give your reader a great combat experience if you follow a few simple guidelines.
A combat scene is something that may take up only a few minutes of your character's time but will take up significantly more of your reader's time. In a combat scene the reader's sense of time changes and because of this he or she is very sensitive to the details and the flow of the scene. This affords you the opportunity to write something very special that your reader will remember. Here are five tips for writing great combat scenes.
1. Do Your Research - You write fantasy, which means you can write anything you want. After all, it is a genre of imagination with few boundaries. But, today's fantasy reader is very savvy when it comes to the genre. He or she has access to books, movies, websites and all sorts of sources of information. And this means that he or she probably knows a bit about the weapons, armor, and combat techniques of different cultures and periods. He or she probably knows the difference between a Claymore and a Cutlass. And even though your writing is fantasy it still has to make sense to your reader. Research weapons, armor and combat techniques as they apply to your fantasy writing. This research will not only make your scenes more realistic it will also generate interesting and memorable ideas that you can incorporate into the scenes.
2. Take advantage of the Dilation of Time - A combat scene may take a minute or less in real time but in your writing you have the freedom to expand on this and absorb much more of your readers time. This ability to take up time will make a memorable impression on your reader. Be more descriptive in the motions, thoughts and reactions of the combatants.
3. Writing style and exposition - Above all else you have to pay close attention to the way you write combat scenes. A combat scene is a microcosm of your novel in that it describes something that often involves only a few minutes of action, yet the actual exposition can last several pages and take up quite a bit of your readers time. The most important rule of the actual writing is to avoid passive sentences. The sword was not thrust into your Protagonist's thigh; your Antagonist thrust it! Remember this rule and always edit your scenes to eliminate all passive sentences. The very nature of a combat scene is that it is active and not passive.
4. Handle Strange Creatures Realistically - When writing a creature into a combat scene whether it be a Troll, Ogre, Goblin, Orc, or any other type of exotic fantasy creature it still must follow the rules of flesh and blood. You probably don't have a real fantasy creature to model combat motions after but you will have a familiar creature that you can use as a template for motion. Fantasy creatures are almost always distortions of real creatures. Trolls become very large men, Goblins are wiry and quick, and Centaurs follow the template of horses. What you can do is to transfer your thinking about the creature in terms of what it is similar to. How would a horse move in this situation? How would a very large man move in this combat scene? These transferrances of physique work well and make the combat realistic.
5. Give your reader something Extra - In researching and thinking about your combat scenes you will come across some great ideas that will take the scenes to new levels. Here are three examples of what I mean. A Samurai sword is sharp on only one side but was that the only side of the weapon that the Samurai Warrior used? No! The blunt side was also a very effective weapon when the warrior wanted to subdue an enemy without killing or maiming. An observation like this can add a very strong distinction in the scene and can give you an interesting angle to think about and to have your characters think about. Many hand weapons of the medieval period had a spike or metal cap on the bottom end of the handle. This was a very effective means of striking an enemy when the fighting got real close and it became difficult to swing the business end of the weapon. An observation like this can have a dramatic effect on the flow of a fight scene. The Flamberge was a large two-handed weapon that was swung much like a baseball bat but the bottom portion of the blade was often wrapped in leather so when the fighting got close the wielder could choke up on it and swing it in a tighter and more controlled arc. Adding a detail like this lends a note of authority to the scene.
Just because you are writing fantasy doesn't mean you can write implausible and over the top fight scenes. Even fantasy worlds have rules of body and weapon to follow. If you know a little bit about weapons, armor and the rules of body motion you can write some truly memorable combat scenes that will give your reader an experience that will be fondly remembered and oft returned to.
About the Author
Will Kalif is the author of two self-published epic fantasy novels. You can download free samples of his work at his personal website: Storm The Castle - Creativity and Fantasy with an edge
Or you can visit his blog devoted to all things medieval at: The Heroic Dreams Medieval Blog
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
The Simple Secret for Making More Friends
by: Royane Real
When you meet new people for the first time, do you usually like most of the new people that you meet?
Or do you find that you usually dislike new people, unless they can eventually prove after a long time that they deserve your friendship?
Perhaps you have never thought about this before. And you may even wonder if it’s really important. Does it really matter very much if you like most people when you first meet them, or if you decide to like them much later, after you get to know them better?
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
How to Write a Great Combat Scene - Advice for Fantasy Writers
by Will Kalif
A great combat scene is a memorable event in your reader's life. It is a microcosm of the struggle that is contained in the book itself. And good combat scenes are often dog-eared by readers and returned to over and over again. You can give your reader a great combat experience if you follow a few simple guidelines.
A combat scene is something that may take up only a few minutes of your character's time but will take up significantly more of your reader's time. In a combat scene the reader's sense of time changes and because of this he or she is very sensitive to the details and the flow of the scene. This affords you the opportunity to write something very special that your reader will remember. Here are five tips for writing great combat scenes.
1. Do Your Research - You write fantasy, which means you can write anything you want. After all, it is a genre of imagination with few boundaries. But, today's fantasy reader is very savvy when it comes to the genre. He or she has access to books, movies, websites and all sorts of sources of information. And this means that he or she probably knows a bit about the weapons, armor, and combat techniques of different cultures and periods. He or she probably knows the difference between a Claymore and a Cutlass. And even though your writing is fantasy it still has to make sense to your reader. Research weapons, armor and combat techniques as they apply to your fantasy writing. This research will not only make your scenes more realistic it will also generate interesting and memorable ideas that you can incorporate into the scenes.
2. Take advantage of the Dilation of Time - A combat scene may take a minute or less in real time but in your writing you have the freedom to expand on this and absorb much more of your readers time. This ability to take up time will make a memorable impression on your reader. Be more descriptive in the motions, thoughts and reactions of the combatants.
3. Writing style and exposition - Above all else you have to pay close attention to the way you write combat scenes. A combat scene is a microcosm of your novel in that it describes something that often involves only a few minutes of action, yet the actual exposition can last several pages and take up quite a bit of your readers time. The most important rule of the actual writing is to avoid passive sentences. The sword was not thrust into your Protagonist's thigh; your Antagonist thrust it! Remember this rule and always edit your scenes to eliminate all passive sentences. The very nature of a combat scene is that it is active and not passive.
4. Handle Strange Creatures Realistically - When writing a creature into a combat scene whether it be a Troll, Ogre, Goblin, Orc, or any other type of exotic fantasy creature it still must follow the rules of flesh and blood. You probably don't have a real fantasy creature to model combat motions after but you will have a familiar creature that you can use as a template for motion. Fantasy creatures are almost always distortions of real creatures. Trolls become very large men, Goblins are wiry and quick, and Centaurs follow the template of horses. What you can do is to transfer your thinking about the creature in terms of what it is similar to. How would a horse move in this situation? How would a very large man move in this combat scene? These transferrances of physique work well and make the combat realistic.
5. Give your reader something Extra - In researching and thinking about your combat scenes you will come across some great ideas that will take the scenes to new levels. Here are three examples of what I mean. A Samurai sword is sharp on only one side but was that the only side of the weapon that the Samurai Warrior used? No! The blunt side was also a very effective weapon when the warrior wanted to subdue an enemy without killing or maiming. An observation like this can add a very strong distinction in the scene and can give you an interesting angle to think about and to have your characters think about. Many hand weapons of the medieval period had a spike or metal cap on the bottom end of the handle. This was a very effective means of striking an enemy when the fighting got real close and it became difficult to swing the business end of the weapon. An observation like this can have a dramatic effect on the flow of a fight scene. The Flamberge was a large two-handed weapon that was swung much like a baseball bat but the bottom portion of the blade was often wrapped in leather so when the fighting got close the wielder could choke up on it and swing it in a tighter and more controlled arc. Adding a detail like this lends a note of authority to the scene.
Just because you are writing fantasy doesn't mean you can write implausible and over the top fight scenes. Even fantasy worlds have rules of body and weapon to follow. If you know a little bit about weapons, armor and the rules of body motion you can write some truly memorable combat scenes that will give your reader an experience that will be fondly remembered and oft returned to.
About the Author
Will Kalif is the author of two self-published epic fantasy novels. You can download free samples of his work at his personal website: Storm The Castle - Creativity and Fantasy with an edge
Or you can visit his blog devoted to all things medieval at: The Heroic Dreams Medieval Blog
Monday, November 27, 2006
#Freelance Daily Post:
Hi ,
Last few days I tried to make finding a job in Freelance Steps easier than before , so you'll find editors jobs in the editors section ...ext
I hope this will help you to save your time .
Thank you and have a nice day
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
Let's Get to the Bottom of Low Self-Esteem
by: Rosella Aranda
If you suffer from low self-esteem, it’s because you don’t know yourself well enough to appreciate how basically wonderful you are. This is not empty flattery. It is true.
Sadly, many of us are totally estranged from ourselves, from what really makes us tick. This ignorance of our true nature results in relentless self-sabotage of both our work lives and all our relationships with people.
Whether you call it fear of failure or fear of success, self-sabotage can manifest in any number of ways. These behaviors run the gamut from seemingly harmless quirks to extreme masochistic behaviors. Here’s a small assortment:
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Writing tip is different today , it hasn't any tip but I like it because it has a sense of humor I hope you'll like it too .
The Freelance Writer's Thanksgiving Prayer
by: Yuwanda Black
I’m thankful for clients.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay on time.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay what I’m worth.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay their thanks to me.
I’m thankful for clients – who realize my value.
I’m thankful for clients – who have ideas.
I’m thankful for clients – who have no idea.
I’m thankful for clients – who know when to give up their ideas.
I’m thankful for clients – who know what they want.
I’m thankful for clients – who know when they don’t know what they want.
I’m thankful for clients – who let me do my job.
I’m thankful for clients – who realize writing IS a job.
I’m thankful for clients – who realize writing is MY job.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – for a living.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – words that matter.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – just for me.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – love notes to those who matter.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – editorials that change people’s minds.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – to help others.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – down what I’m thankful for.
I’m thankful for friends – who realize I write for a living.
I’m thankful for friends – who don’t ask me to work for free.
I’m thankful for friends – who don’t tell me to “get a real job.”
I’m thankful for friends – who pick up the tab during dry spells.
I’m thankful for family – who respect my working hours.
I’m thankful for family – who encouraged me to purse my dream.
I’m thankful for family – who ignore me when I’m on deadline.
I’m thankful for family – who know I love them, even when I’m on deadline.
I’m thankful for family – who realize that my computer really is a person to me.
I’m thankful for family – who know I’m a professional, even in my fuzzy slippers.
I’m thankful for deadlines – that pass.
I’m thankful for deadlines – that pass with pay.
I’m thankful for checks;
I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail,
I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail on time;
I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail on time in my name;
I’m thankful for “notification of payment received” emails from PayPal;
I’m thankful for bank lines of credit;
I’m thankful for bank lines of credit – in my name;
I’m thankful for bills that don’t come;
I’m thankful for bills that don’t come – in my name;
I’m thankful for bills that are paid;
I’m thankful for bills that are paid – on time;
I’m thankful for bills that are paid on time – in my name.
I wish for vodka shots before talking to unreasonable clients;
bottles of tequila to share with good clients;
a moonshine hangover to nonpaying clients; and
a three-martini introduction to new clients.
I’m thankful for work.
I’m thankful for work – that matters.
I’m thankful for work – that I love.
I’m thankful for work – that I love that pays.
About The Author
Yuwanda Black is the publisher of http://InkwellEditorial.com: THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to http://InkwellEditorial.com to learn how.
Hi ,
Last few days I tried to make finding a job in Freelance Steps easier than before , so you'll find editors jobs in the editors section ...ext
I hope this will help you to save your time .
Thank you and have a nice day
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
Let's Get to the Bottom of Low Self-Esteem
by: Rosella Aranda
If you suffer from low self-esteem, it’s because you don’t know yourself well enough to appreciate how basically wonderful you are. This is not empty flattery. It is true.
Sadly, many of us are totally estranged from ourselves, from what really makes us tick. This ignorance of our true nature results in relentless self-sabotage of both our work lives and all our relationships with people.
Whether you call it fear of failure or fear of success, self-sabotage can manifest in any number of ways. These behaviors run the gamut from seemingly harmless quirks to extreme masochistic behaviors. Here’s a small assortment:
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Writing tip is different today , it hasn't any tip but I like it because it has a sense of humor I hope you'll like it too .
The Freelance Writer's Thanksgiving Prayer
by: Yuwanda Black
I’m thankful for clients.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay on time.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay what I’m worth.
I’m thankful for clients – who pay their thanks to me.
I’m thankful for clients – who realize my value.
I’m thankful for clients – who have ideas.
I’m thankful for clients – who have no idea.
I’m thankful for clients – who know when to give up their ideas.
I’m thankful for clients – who know what they want.
I’m thankful for clients – who know when they don’t know what they want.
I’m thankful for clients – who let me do my job.
I’m thankful for clients – who realize writing IS a job.
I’m thankful for clients – who realize writing is MY job.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – for a living.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – words that matter.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – just for me.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – love notes to those who matter.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – editorials that change people’s minds.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – to help others.
I’m thankful for the gift of writing – down what I’m thankful for.
I’m thankful for friends – who realize I write for a living.
I’m thankful for friends – who don’t ask me to work for free.
I’m thankful for friends – who don’t tell me to “get a real job.”
I’m thankful for friends – who pick up the tab during dry spells.
I’m thankful for family – who respect my working hours.
I’m thankful for family – who encouraged me to purse my dream.
I’m thankful for family – who ignore me when I’m on deadline.
I’m thankful for family – who know I love them, even when I’m on deadline.
I’m thankful for family – who realize that my computer really is a person to me.
I’m thankful for family – who know I’m a professional, even in my fuzzy slippers.
I’m thankful for deadlines – that pass.
I’m thankful for deadlines – that pass with pay.
I’m thankful for checks;
I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail,
I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail on time;
I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail on time in my name;
I’m thankful for “notification of payment received” emails from PayPal;
I’m thankful for bank lines of credit;
I’m thankful for bank lines of credit – in my name;
I’m thankful for bills that don’t come;
I’m thankful for bills that don’t come – in my name;
I’m thankful for bills that are paid;
I’m thankful for bills that are paid – on time;
I’m thankful for bills that are paid on time – in my name.
I wish for vodka shots before talking to unreasonable clients;
bottles of tequila to share with good clients;
a moonshine hangover to nonpaying clients; and
a three-martini introduction to new clients.
I’m thankful for work.
I’m thankful for work – that matters.
I’m thankful for work – that I love.
I’m thankful for work – that I love that pays.
About The Author
Yuwanda Black is the publisher of http://InkwellEditorial.com: THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to http://InkwellEditorial.com to learn how.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The blog is Under Construction till next Monday , have a nice weekend.
Thursday...23 of November
Happy thanksgiving to you and your families
#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
The Triggers Of Anger
by: Burt Cotton
Triggers are what interrupts emotions and causes us to become angry. When we learn our triggers, we are taking a step in the right direction to control our emotions. First, we need to weed through the roots of anger to determine the problem. If you have obsessive anger, outbursts you might want to get a physical to eliminate chemical or physical roots of your anger.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Cover Letters
by: Amit Pujar
Cover Letters :: Are you telling them what they want to know?
Let's face it. Recruiters (or employers) are smarter than we think. Bigger organizations pay a hefty salary to their HR department to filter out and sieve through hundreds and thousands of resumes. The idea is to build an organization with people of the right mental aptitude. Most of the top organizations believe strongly in a motto - "People are their greatest assets". Your cover letter goes a long way in capturing and retaining the attention of these people whose main job is to recruit people and coordinate with the workforce.
A well-written cover letter engages the recruiter and pushes him to spend more time reading your detailed resume. Before you start off writing your cover letter, write down what you want to convey on a paper. Read it once, twice, thrice and then set off for a good start. Pack in as much power as you can, because it is these 400 or 500 words that can make the difference.
Have these things on your mind before you start off writing:
Keep your sentences short and avoid using really long sentences because you don't want the recruiter to read it twice to understand what you're trying to convey. Got the point.? Keep your sentences s-h-o-r-t.
Keep your language simple. "I take immense pleasure in applying for this esteemed position in this esteemed organization." Hell.! Your employer knows more about his organization than you do. So you can as well cut the "false" praise. Maybe a subtle mention can do wonders. "I look forward to work with JK Industries".
Organize the content of your cover letter into small paragraphs or bulleted points, not exceeding three paragraphs. Typically each paragraph can contain 3 or 4 sentences.
Do NOT use slang or spoken words like "Lookin' fo a kewl break into yo IT world".
Make sure your cover letter (and resume) is free from spelling or grammatical errors.
And most important: Deliver what the employer is looking for.
So, what should you put in your cover letter?
Ask yourself two questions. One, why should the employer choose you over others? And two, what can you give to the company that others cant? Skills, yes. Proven experience, better.
A good way to start writing is with the correct greeting phrase. If you know the name of the person you are addressing then you can start with 'Dear Ms. Stevenson' or 'Dear Mr. Washington'. Do not use their first names. A bad greeting would be 'Hi Jane' or 'Hello George'.
The first paragraph is to contain a reference. If this is a response to an advertisement or a vacancy listing, this is where you refer to get their attention. Alternatively you can put in a separate line mentioning your reference. (Ref: Your advertisement on Jobsite.com - Ref # 12345).
If you're mentioning your reference in the first paragraph, you can continue on to include why you applied for that position. A good way of connecting the reference to your application is "my skills and your requirement are a good match." Put that in your own words.
In the next paragraph, you justify your statement about why you think that your skills and the skills required for the position are a good match. Make a single line reference to a particular achievement in your current (or previous) job that is along similar lines so that the employer will know exactly what he's looking for. A good example would be "Set up a fully operational network of franchisees in Southern France for retailing ABC Coffee".
Avoid mentioning skills you don't have or projects you have never worked on. Because sooner or later, you're going to face it; when the interviewer looks into your cover letter (or resume) and says "OK, Mr. Stephens, can you give me an instance of how you can use XML to port data from a backend system into a Middleware application"? And that's when you mind starts racing, "XML?? Middleware?? Port..?? Is that my resume he's got..???". God bless you if it's not your resume.
If there are more achievements you want to include, write them down in bulleted points. It's easier for the employer to read, comprehend and get a good picture of your capabilities. Do not reproduce your entire resume here. 2 or 3 such points will do perfectly fine. Of course, do not include irrelevant achievements like "Won a Silver Medal in 200 x 4 Men's Relay Race conducted by Louisville Young Adults Club in 1991". Not unless you're applying for the post of a Physical Trainer or Coach.
You have made your point here. You know why you're applying. And recruiters like that. You know your responsibilities, the risks involved and the tasks you'll be handling. You're just the person they're looking for. At least, you're one of the persons they'd like to talk to before handing over the employment contract.
An ending note can make quite an impression. Tell them your resume is attached and that you're "looking forward to explore this opportunity further". Include an address and telephone number for them to contact you.
Sign off with a "Yours Truly" or "Best Regards" and put your complete name under it.
Get into form and write out your winning cover letter.
About The Author
Amit Pujar is a copywriter/technical writer currently heading the content department of an online publication. Amit writes on a variety of subjects and is currently working on his first non-fiction. He can be reached at pujar@yahoo.com
#Freelance Writing jobs :
Bilingual Medical Editor - The BOSS Group - Philadelphia, PA
The BOSS Group has a freelance opportunity for a Bilingual Medical Editor to work onsite in the Metro Philly (Montgomery County) area. Our client, a full service direct advertising agency, needs an experienced editor/proofreader to translate and edit patient educational materials. The ideal candidate will possess a meticulous eye for detail, thorough understanding of both the Spanish and English language, and be available for a two to four week assignment.
* Superb translation skills, able translate and edit in Spanish
* Strong Pharmaceutical copy editing background
* Highly organized with strong time management skills
* Ability to comprehend, write and edit complex health related material in Spanish and English, ensuring content is accurate and appropriate for intended audience
* Bachelor s Degree in related field
The BOSS Group offers an attractive compensation package including competitive salary, 401(k) plan with company match, weekly paychecks, holiday pay, bonus pay and a health benefits program.
Named one of the 2006 Best Places to Work (WBJ), The BOSS Group specializes in matching highly qualified creative, marketing, proposals, advertising and web talent with top temporary and permanent assignments throughout the Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; NJ/NYC; and Dallas-Fort Worth metro areas, and is an equal opportunity employer.
To be considered for this position, complete our online application, select the Metro Philly office, and reference job #23893CF
The BOSS Group - where talent and opportunity meet
Medical Writer, Medical Editor, Bilingual, Spanish, Pharmaceutical, Advertising
To apply view the job in Monster
Freelance Editor - CMP Technology - San Francisco, CA
CMP Technology is the leading high tech B2B multi-media company, providing marketing solutions for the global technology industry. Through its market-leading portfolio of trusted information brands, CMP Technology has earned the confidence of more technology professionals than any other media company. As a result, CMP Technology is the premier provider of access, insight and actionable programs designed to connect sellers and buyers in ways that yield superior return on investment. For more information, go to www.cmp.com
CMP's Electronics Group is looking for a freelance editor to work on one of our high-tech Web sites. We are seeking an experienced Site Editor with experience in the general electronics industry. Knowledge of sensors, motor control, and networking would be a plus. The editor would be responsible for soliciting and editing technical articles, searching for news and product information, and posting articles. Limited knowledge of HTML is also a plus. A strong sense for technology, as well as a devotion to establishing a market-leading site, are essential.
If you are interested in this great opportunity, please send a resume and cover letter to: rnass@cmp.com
To apply view the job in Hot Jobs
Seeking Jobs/Careers Freelance Writer - US
Are you up on the hottest job market trends? Do you enjoy discussing the latest career news with your friends and family?
AOL Find a Job, one of the leading online job seeking portals, seeks meticulous and reliable freelance writers to write engaging 500 - 700 word features covering the job market -- everything from career advice, to the latest occupational trends. Your writing should be crisp, clear and timely and your literary voice strong. Experience contributing to websites, blogs or other ecommerce-related outlets is a strong plus.
To apply, please send the following to ***** within the body of the e-mail.
*** Sorry.... No attachments
1. Cover letter 2. Your resume 3. Include links to articles you have written and/or insert articles you've written.
Pay is $200 for each 500-700-word article. We do NOT reimburse for expenses. Due to the volume of queries, not all applications will receive a response.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
translator/writer for an adventure computer game
Game development studio is looking for a native English dialog writer able to translate from French for their new adventure video game “Sherlock Holmes against Arsene Lupin”.<br>The script is already written in French, but we need you to fit the 19th century style + typical British expression. Please note also that there are some part written in poetry.
Full project salary - $1500. (around 40 000 words)
end of the work: February 2007
please contact me
for any info on our company
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting jobs
NY1 News- Writer (Freelance) Time Warner -New York, NY
Prepares, writes and copy edits assigned stories into scripts and edits audio and video to be presented on the air. Updates copy and audio/video as story changes. Works with reporters, producers, assignment desk and to produce factual, clear, interesting news stories that the viewing public can understand. Writes scripts and edits audio/video in a timely fashion.
• Reads local newspapers and watches other local TV stations to keep in touch with NY news.
• Prepares news stories based on information provided by the assignment desk, wire service, newspapers, press releases, NY1 Archives and video tape shot in the field.
• Adds video, sound and graphics.
• Writes clear, simple scripts for anchors to read.
• Copy edits scripts correcting for accuracy, factual content, pronunciation, grammar and spelling.
• Updates scripts as news changes.
• Provides scripts in a timely fashion.
• Suggests ways to improve the process.
Audio/Video Editing
• Logs incoming video and audio for use in news wheel.
• Edits video for anchor voice-overs and sound on tapes using current and future technology.
• Works with reporters to prepare voice over material and sound for their live field reports.
Equipment Setup
• Checks all equipment.
• Reads scopes and audio levels.
• Sets machines to required levels.
Quality Control
• Makes certain all video and sound meet quality standards.
Other duties as assigned.
• College degree
• Degree in Journalism, Communication or English preferred.
• 1-2 years newsroom experience: internship, field work, or freelance.
• Video Production experience necessary.
• Experience writing copy, editing, shooting, collecting elements and putting packages together.
• Experience researching, creating news stories and making basic editorial decisions on what is a newsworthy story.
Skills, Knowledge, Abilities:
? Ability to work under pressure
? Attention to detail
? Communication/Interpersonal skills
? Creative thinking skills
? Current news events
? Editorial skills
? Electronic newsroom system
? Legal issues as they relate to news coverage
? News judgment
? News production knowledge
? News systems: library, archives, editing, desk
? News reporting
? NYC people, issues and events
? Organization skills
? PC knowledge
? Windows
? Word, Word Perfect
? Excel
? Lotus
? Problem Solving/Decision making
? Programming subject matter
? Server technology knowledge
? Time management skills
? Typing
? Video & audio equipment knowledge
? Video Editing
? Video formats (Beta, Que, 1 inch, ½ inch)
? Writing skills
Supervision of: No one
• To choose style and content of scripts, sound and video that go with news stories, but all work is subject to review.
Working Conditions:
• Fast-paced environment requiring flexibility, cooperation, immediate and appropriate responses and swift news judgment.
• Stressful environment requiring patience, sensitivity and strong people skills.
• Creative, entrepreneurial environment that attracts talented people requiring the ability to listen, follow instructions, identify and meet their needs, and take constructive criticism.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit DB98A
To apply view the job in diversityink
>NY1 News - Reporter (Freelance) Time Warner - New York, NY
Collects and analyzes information about newsworthy events to present news stories for broadcast.
• Receives assignment or evaluates news leads and news tips to develop story idea.
• Gathers and verifies factual information regarding story through interview, observation, and research.
• Organizes material, determines emphasis, and writes story according to prescribed editorial style and format standards.
• Transmits information to Newswriter for story writing.
• Writes stories for delivery by anchors.
• Develops sources and contacts for story development.
Camera and Field Operations
• Shoots video to illustrate stories.
• Edits, or assists in editing, videos for broadcast.
Presentation Skills
• Appears on television program when conducting taped or filmed interviews or narration.
• Gives live reports from site of event or mobile broadcast unit.
• Occasionally represents station at other events.
Other Duties as Assigned.
Education: College Degree preferred.
Experience: 2-3 years experience in print or broadcast journalism. Experience in the New York market preferred but not required.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit NY1 News
To apply view the job in diversityink
ont-weight: bold;" size="4">Wednesday Jobs
Freelance Writer - US
Seeking freelance writer/researcher to assist author and editor with nonfiction book project based in Savannah (applicants MUST live within immediate driving distance of city. Not more than 1.5 hours, please). This long-term, contract-based project will require extensive writing, research, photo/caption compilation, and work with corporate archives and outside sources. Familiarity with Chicago Manual of Style a plus.
Please send a cover letter and resume, along with a minimum of two published clips to ***** or fax to (954) 463-2220, attention Editorial Department. We are conducting interviews on the morning of December 4 in Savannah; please apply only if you are available that day. Also, please, no phone calls. We will contact you directly if we think you are a suitable candidate. Thank you.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
We are an established international company specializing in B2B magazines with an executive audience across manufacturing industry. As part of our continued expansion we are looking for freelance bi-lingual spanish and/or portuguese writers to conduct interviews over the telephone with senior management. Interviews are conducted in Spanish/Portuguese and written in English. Great opportunity for regular freelance work. Please email resume plus 2 samples of your work to******
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
question writers - US
Freelance writers to write trivia questions for an online trivia site. Required: previous trivia writing experience with samples of your work (or trivia answering experience of over 1000 questions) ; Internet access. Desired: Microsoft Word skills. Number of questions: 200-1,000. Pay rate: $.80-1 per question. please send 1 page resume .
To apply view the job in Directfreelance.com
SEO writer needed for write / rewrite website ...
We have a custom plastic card website, the web contents include:
Our Products: Hotel Key Cards, Gift Cards, Fundraising Cards, Loyalty Cards, Membership Cards, Plastic Business Cards, More Products...
Ordering: Order Online, Card Gallery, Request Samples, Get Started, Art Spec, Send Files
Customer Service: About Us, Contact Us, Office Hours, Fulfillment Services, FAQs, Plastic Card Glossary, Site Map.
We are looking for SEO / content writer to write / rewrite our ENTIRE website. We need the writer to go over our current web pages and help us create better “selling” content. The compensation is around $250 to $350. You article will be showcased on Google and Yahoo as people can easily search on it. It is a good opportunity for you to add a significant line to your resume/portfolio. We have 2 other projects line up after this.
If you are interested in the work, please send an email with the subject "Web Content Writer" to *******. Thank you!
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting Jobs
Freelance Academic Writers and Researchers
We're an established academic assistance company. If you want to know more information about us you can go to Thepaperexperts.com. We're looking for writers with Masters degrees. If you're interested then submit your resume or cv, we're looking for writers interested in starting right away. Our pay rates are competitive and we pay twice a month and on-time :-). We're looking for writers who can help us with the following subjects:
Social Work
Send your resume or cv to ****
To apply view the job in Online writing jobs
No Exp. Assistant - PT, $4,000! Work for Kimley-Horn - Kimley-Horn - Chicago, IL
Kimley-Horn is one of the nation's most comprehensive and best respected engineering and land planning firms.
With more than 2000 staff in 54 offices, we offer full services in a wide range of disciplines: aviation, environmental, intelligent transportation systems, landscape architecture, land planning, transit, transportation, roads and bridges, urban redevelopment, and water resources.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is ranked 20th in the "100 Best Companies to Work For" in the US. Our employees know Kimley-Horn as a great place to work where our core purpose is "to provide an environment for our people to flourish."
What makes Kimley-Horn unique?
Our employee-centered culture where you create your own career path
Incentive and performance bonuses
Up to 20% funding into your retirement savings plan
Company paid medical benefits
Our company would provide training, benefits, competitive hourly rates, and commissions.
Want To Be Valued As An Employee?
Training is provided as well as full support from our management staff.
No experience is necessary, and you may apply regardless of your current class or work schedule, or previous work experience. There is no cold calling, no telemarketing, no door to door sales and no relying on friends and family. We will train you on all you need to know.
The ideal candidate should be very personable, professional, ambitious and self motivated. We are not a graphic design firm or telemarketers. No sales!
Why not work for the Best?
Keywords: Typing, Administrative Assistant, Admin Assistant, Admin Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Receptionist, Receptionists, Typing, Clerical, Executive Assistant, Secretary, Bookkeeping, Book keeping, Admin Asst, Exec Asst, Internet Research, Computer, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Computer Jobs, Data Entry, Word, Collections, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, HR Representative, Human Resources, General Accounting, Front Office Receptionist, Customer Service, Research Assistant, Cust Service, Technical Writer, Telemarketing, Call Center, tech writer, tech writing, administrative processor, Loan Processor, File Clerk, Reception, Project Coordinator, Temporary Assistant, telecommuting, Customer Support, telecommute, Inventory Assistant, work at home, work from home, home employment, working from home, working at home, Associate Web Editor, Copy Writer, Web Developer, Internet Surfer, graphics, Web Designer, Copy Editor, Website Editor, Content Edit, Graphic Designer, Services Manager, Content Manager, Online Marketer, Script Writer, Copy Writer, copy Write, Copywriter, Technical Writer, Marketing Writer, Webmaster, Account Supervisor, Copy Editor, Proofreader, Proof Reader, Analyst, Managing Editor, Analyst, Consultant, Marketing Manager, Advertising, Media, Reporting, Telecommuting, Telecommuter, Telecommute, Administrative Assistant, clerical, administrative, work from home, Admin Assistant, Receptionist, customer service, Internet Researching, Receptionists, Executive Assistant, Data Collection, Secretary, Word-Processing, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Data Entry, Word, Collections, Typists, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, Customer Service, Call Center, Customer Support Representative, File Clerk, Reception, Temporary Assistant, Customer Support. LA20211
To apply view the job in Career builder
*Jobs From W.G.N.L.
Subscribe in W.G.N.L.
Romance Designs Community Newsletters
Deadline: December 31, 2006
PAY: $75
Accepted short stories will be distributed through our Romance Designs Community Newsletters and Websites and is entitled Love Notes: Short Stories of Romance, Volume I: Deserted Islands. Your story must contain A DESERTED ISLAND in it. How you develop that into your story is up to you. SUB-GENRE FOCUS FOR OUR FIRST ROUND OF SUBMISSIONS: Historical romance, contemporary, romantic suspense, fantasy/sci. fi. romance, and paranormal romance.
2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project
PAY: The author will be paid up-front for the serial rights at 1/2 cent a word up to $25.00 per chapter. In return for the book format, the author will receive two author copies and 50% of the net on all sales over $150 US net.
The 2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project will involve obtaining the rights to serial publication of the work in The Sword Review as well as publication as a novel. The selected manuscript will be published in book form and released at the same time as the first chapter appears in The Sword Review. Readers may elect to buy the book in whole at any time, or wait for the monthly installments to run their course.
Inflight Magazine column
PAY: $500 - $600
Seeking freelance technology writers/reporters to contribute to a monthly technology column in a popular, domestic inflight magazine. The column, written for a consumer audience, focuses on the latest in tech gadgets and consumer-technology trends. Columns run about 1600 words. Pay generally ranges between $500 and $600 per column. Qualified writers should e-mail resumes and clips (or portfolio URLs) to the attention of M. Susan Wilson, swilson@paradigmcg.com.
Money & More™ Magazine
PAY: $.15/word
Seeking contributing authors for 500-700 word articles for our upcoming Jan./Feb. issue. Deadline is short-November 15, 2006. The articles are in regards to taxes and are as follows:
1.Ways of Saving To Pay For Taxes
2.Making Sure You Have The Proper Documents For Your Tax Preparer
3.Investment Options For Tax Returns
4.Paying Taxes Online-Benefits and Detriments
All articles submitted to Money & More™ magazine must be original and objective, in keeping with the assigned theme and presented within deadline pending authorized permission. Most articles must feature at least one professional interview/reference, and include a list of sources and contact information. Article submissions may include graphics original to the author, which may or may not be utilized, and a mini bio. Payment is $0.15 per published word and a copy of the magazine, approximately two weeks after publication.
Elizabeth Chatman, Editor
Ph: 843.839.4726 Fax: 843.839.4724
1203 48th Ave. N. Suite 118 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Writer/Teacher needed for illustrated Social Studies Grade 5 and 6 lesson books
New York-based small publishing company seeks an experienced writer/teacher for an illustrated series of educational children's books in SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE 4. Applicant must have teaching experience and be able to write according to NY State Standards for curriculum (standards will be provided). Text/story must be written in a dialogue format in comic-book style panels, with instructions for the future illustrator. Each book has a different set of characters. Plenty of room for creative expression. This assignment requires 160 pages (20 lessons with 8 pages per lesson). Compensation is $250 per lesson, paid via direct deposit. Communication is on-line. Interested parties can contact Heather Chin at u105@englishbasic.com with CV/resume and for more information.
News Editor needed
The Post-Star, a 35,000 circulation newspaper in upstate New York, seeks a proven leader for its seven-person copy desk. We need someone that can be hands on some of the time, a teacher and mentor others. Knowledge of Quark Xpress helpful now, InDesign helpful within a year. We are an award-winning newspaper which places the bar high for our content and design. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, NY, 12801, tingley@poststar.com
Copy Editor
Designer/copy editor needed for 7-person copy desk at 35,000 circulation newspaper in beautiful Upstate New York. We are an award-winning, quality-oriented newspaper that has been a great incubator for copy editor talent at larger newspapers. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, N.Y. or mailto:tingley@poststar.com
Assistant Editor
A.C.T.I.O.N magazine, a new publication is seeking an Assistant Editor to help with the day to day of starting a new magazine. This person should be well-organized and live in the Chicagoland area or close by. This person will assist the Editor in making decisions for the magazine for the first issue and so forth. This person should have at least 2-3 years of experience and willing to go to meetings and be apart of every aspect of decision making for this magazine. In addition to having strong word skills, applicants should be able to to at least design pages using QuarkXPress or Adobe Pagemaker. We are seeking someone who will welcome challenges and the opportunity for growth along with the publication. If you meet the qualifications for the position please send letter and resume to the attention of Kenya Nalls. Email address: mailto:knalls2006@yahoo.com
For more Freelance or Full time leads please go to The Jobrolls and Craigslist Today
The blog is Under Construction till next Monday , have a nice weekend.
Thursday...23 of November
Happy thanksgiving to you and your families
#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
The Triggers Of Anger
by: Burt Cotton
Triggers are what interrupts emotions and causes us to become angry. When we learn our triggers, we are taking a step in the right direction to control our emotions. First, we need to weed through the roots of anger to determine the problem. If you have obsessive anger, outbursts you might want to get a physical to eliminate chemical or physical roots of your anger.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Cover Letters
by: Amit Pujar
Cover Letters :: Are you telling them what they want to know?
Let's face it. Recruiters (or employers) are smarter than we think. Bigger organizations pay a hefty salary to their HR department to filter out and sieve through hundreds and thousands of resumes. The idea is to build an organization with people of the right mental aptitude. Most of the top organizations believe strongly in a motto - "People are their greatest assets". Your cover letter goes a long way in capturing and retaining the attention of these people whose main job is to recruit people and coordinate with the workforce.
A well-written cover letter engages the recruiter and pushes him to spend more time reading your detailed resume. Before you start off writing your cover letter, write down what you want to convey on a paper. Read it once, twice, thrice and then set off for a good start. Pack in as much power as you can, because it is these 400 or 500 words that can make the difference.
Have these things on your mind before you start off writing:
Keep your sentences short and avoid using really long sentences because you don't want the recruiter to read it twice to understand what you're trying to convey. Got the point.? Keep your sentences s-h-o-r-t.
Keep your language simple. "I take immense pleasure in applying for this esteemed position in this esteemed organization." Hell.! Your employer knows more about his organization than you do. So you can as well cut the "false" praise. Maybe a subtle mention can do wonders. "I look forward to work with JK Industries".
Organize the content of your cover letter into small paragraphs or bulleted points, not exceeding three paragraphs. Typically each paragraph can contain 3 or 4 sentences.
Do NOT use slang or spoken words like "Lookin' fo a kewl break into yo IT world".
Make sure your cover letter (and resume) is free from spelling or grammatical errors.
And most important: Deliver what the employer is looking for.
So, what should you put in your cover letter?
Ask yourself two questions. One, why should the employer choose you over others? And two, what can you give to the company that others cant? Skills, yes. Proven experience, better.
A good way to start writing is with the correct greeting phrase. If you know the name of the person you are addressing then you can start with 'Dear Ms. Stevenson' or 'Dear Mr. Washington'. Do not use their first names. A bad greeting would be 'Hi Jane' or 'Hello George'.
The first paragraph is to contain a reference. If this is a response to an advertisement or a vacancy listing, this is where you refer to get their attention. Alternatively you can put in a separate line mentioning your reference. (Ref: Your advertisement on Jobsite.com - Ref # 12345).
If you're mentioning your reference in the first paragraph, you can continue on to include why you applied for that position. A good way of connecting the reference to your application is "my skills and your requirement are a good match." Put that in your own words.
In the next paragraph, you justify your statement about why you think that your skills and the skills required for the position are a good match. Make a single line reference to a particular achievement in your current (or previous) job that is along similar lines so that the employer will know exactly what he's looking for. A good example would be "Set up a fully operational network of franchisees in Southern France for retailing ABC Coffee".
Avoid mentioning skills you don't have or projects you have never worked on. Because sooner or later, you're going to face it; when the interviewer looks into your cover letter (or resume) and says "OK, Mr. Stephens, can you give me an instance of how you can use XML to port data from a backend system into a Middleware application"? And that's when you mind starts racing, "XML?? Middleware?? Port..?? Is that my resume he's got..???". God bless you if it's not your resume.
If there are more achievements you want to include, write them down in bulleted points. It's easier for the employer to read, comprehend and get a good picture of your capabilities. Do not reproduce your entire resume here. 2 or 3 such points will do perfectly fine. Of course, do not include irrelevant achievements like "Won a Silver Medal in 200 x 4 Men's Relay Race conducted by Louisville Young Adults Club in 1991". Not unless you're applying for the post of a Physical Trainer or Coach.
You have made your point here. You know why you're applying. And recruiters like that. You know your responsibilities, the risks involved and the tasks you'll be handling. You're just the person they're looking for. At least, you're one of the persons they'd like to talk to before handing over the employment contract.
An ending note can make quite an impression. Tell them your resume is attached and that you're "looking forward to explore this opportunity further". Include an address and telephone number for them to contact you.
Sign off with a "Yours Truly" or "Best Regards" and put your complete name under it.
Get into form and write out your winning cover letter.
About The Author
Amit Pujar is a copywriter/technical writer currently heading the content department of an online publication. Amit writes on a variety of subjects and is currently working on his first non-fiction. He can be reached at pujar@yahoo.com
#Freelance Writing jobs :
Bilingual Medical Editor - The BOSS Group - Philadelphia, PA
The BOSS Group has a freelance opportunity for a Bilingual Medical Editor to work onsite in the Metro Philly (Montgomery County) area. Our client, a full service direct advertising agency, needs an experienced editor/proofreader to translate and edit patient educational materials. The ideal candidate will possess a meticulous eye for detail, thorough understanding of both the Spanish and English language, and be available for a two to four week assignment.
* Superb translation skills, able translate and edit in Spanish
* Strong Pharmaceutical copy editing background
* Highly organized with strong time management skills
* Ability to comprehend, write and edit complex health related material in Spanish and English, ensuring content is accurate and appropriate for intended audience
* Bachelor s Degree in related field
The BOSS Group offers an attractive compensation package including competitive salary, 401(k) plan with company match, weekly paychecks, holiday pay, bonus pay and a health benefits program.
Named one of the 2006 Best Places to Work (WBJ), The BOSS Group specializes in matching highly qualified creative, marketing, proposals, advertising and web talent with top temporary and permanent assignments throughout the Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; NJ/NYC; and Dallas-Fort Worth metro areas, and is an equal opportunity employer.
To be considered for this position, complete our online application, select the Metro Philly office, and reference job #23893CF
The BOSS Group - where talent and opportunity meet
Medical Writer, Medical Editor, Bilingual, Spanish, Pharmaceutical, Advertising
To apply view the job in Monster
Freelance Editor - CMP Technology - San Francisco, CA
CMP Technology is the leading high tech B2B multi-media company, providing marketing solutions for the global technology industry. Through its market-leading portfolio of trusted information brands, CMP Technology has earned the confidence of more technology professionals than any other media company. As a result, CMP Technology is the premier provider of access, insight and actionable programs designed to connect sellers and buyers in ways that yield superior return on investment. For more information, go to www.cmp.com
CMP's Electronics Group is looking for a freelance editor to work on one of our high-tech Web sites. We are seeking an experienced Site Editor with experience in the general electronics industry. Knowledge of sensors, motor control, and networking would be a plus. The editor would be responsible for soliciting and editing technical articles, searching for news and product information, and posting articles. Limited knowledge of HTML is also a plus. A strong sense for technology, as well as a devotion to establishing a market-leading site, are essential.
If you are interested in this great opportunity, please send a resume and cover letter to: rnass@cmp.com
To apply view the job in Hot Jobs
Seeking Jobs/Careers Freelance Writer - US
Are you up on the hottest job market trends? Do you enjoy discussing the latest career news with your friends and family?
AOL Find a Job, one of the leading online job seeking portals, seeks meticulous and reliable freelance writers to write engaging 500 - 700 word features covering the job market -- everything from career advice, to the latest occupational trends. Your writing should be crisp, clear and timely and your literary voice strong. Experience contributing to websites, blogs or other ecommerce-related outlets is a strong plus.
To apply, please send the following to ***** within the body of the e-mail.
*** Sorry.... No attachments
1. Cover letter 2. Your resume 3. Include links to articles you have written and/or insert articles you've written.
Pay is $200 for each 500-700-word article. We do NOT reimburse for expenses. Due to the volume of queries, not all applications will receive a response.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
translator/writer for an adventure computer game
Game development studio is looking for a native English dialog writer able to translate from French for their new adventure video game “Sherlock Holmes against Arsene Lupin”.<br>The script is already written in French, but we need you to fit the 19th century style + typical British expression. Please note also that there are some part written in poetry.
Full project salary - $1500. (around 40 000 words)
end of the work: February 2007
please contact me
for any info on our company
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting jobs
NY1 News- Writer (Freelance) Time Warner -New York, NY
Prepares, writes and copy edits assigned stories into scripts and edits audio and video to be presented on the air. Updates copy and audio/video as story changes. Works with reporters, producers, assignment desk and to produce factual, clear, interesting news stories that the viewing public can understand. Writes scripts and edits audio/video in a timely fashion.
• Reads local newspapers and watches other local TV stations to keep in touch with NY news.
• Prepares news stories based on information provided by the assignment desk, wire service, newspapers, press releases, NY1 Archives and video tape shot in the field.
• Adds video, sound and graphics.
• Writes clear, simple scripts for anchors to read.
• Copy edits scripts correcting for accuracy, factual content, pronunciation, grammar and spelling.
• Updates scripts as news changes.
• Provides scripts in a timely fashion.
• Suggests ways to improve the process.
Audio/Video Editing
• Logs incoming video and audio for use in news wheel.
• Edits video for anchor voice-overs and sound on tapes using current and future technology.
• Works with reporters to prepare voice over material and sound for their live field reports.
Equipment Setup
• Checks all equipment.
• Reads scopes and audio levels.
• Sets machines to required levels.
Quality Control
• Makes certain all video and sound meet quality standards.
Other duties as assigned.
• College degree
• Degree in Journalism, Communication or English preferred.
• 1-2 years newsroom experience: internship, field work, or freelance.
• Video Production experience necessary.
• Experience writing copy, editing, shooting, collecting elements and putting packages together.
• Experience researching, creating news stories and making basic editorial decisions on what is a newsworthy story.
Skills, Knowledge, Abilities:
? Ability to work under pressure
? Attention to detail
? Communication/Interpersonal skills
? Creative thinking skills
? Current news events
? Editorial skills
? Electronic newsroom system
? Legal issues as they relate to news coverage
? News judgment
? News production knowledge
? News systems: library, archives, editing, desk
? News reporting
? NYC people, issues and events
? Organization skills
? PC knowledge
? Windows
? Word, Word Perfect
? Excel
? Lotus
? Problem Solving/Decision making
? Programming subject matter
? Server technology knowledge
? Time management skills
? Typing
? Video & audio equipment knowledge
? Video Editing
? Video formats (Beta, Que, 1 inch, ½ inch)
? Writing skills
Supervision of: No one
• To choose style and content of scripts, sound and video that go with news stories, but all work is subject to review.
Working Conditions:
• Fast-paced environment requiring flexibility, cooperation, immediate and appropriate responses and swift news judgment.
• Stressful environment requiring patience, sensitivity and strong people skills.
• Creative, entrepreneurial environment that attracts talented people requiring the ability to listen, follow instructions, identify and meet their needs, and take constructive criticism.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit DB98A
To apply view the job in diversityink
Collects and analyzes information about newsworthy events to present news stories for broadcast.
• Receives assignment or evaluates news leads and news tips to develop story idea.
• Gathers and verifies factual information regarding story through interview, observation, and research.
• Organizes material, determines emphasis, and writes story according to prescribed editorial style and format standards.
• Transmits information to Newswriter for story writing.
• Writes stories for delivery by anchors.
• Develops sources and contacts for story development.
Camera and Field Operations
• Shoots video to illustrate stories.
• Edits, or assists in editing, videos for broadcast.
Presentation Skills
• Appears on television program when conducting taped or filmed interviews or narration.
• Gives live reports from site of event or mobile broadcast unit.
• Occasionally represents station at other events.
Other Duties as Assigned.
Education: College Degree preferred.
Experience: 2-3 years experience in print or broadcast journalism. Experience in the New York market preferred but not required.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit NY1 News
To apply view the job in diversityink
ont-weight: bold;" size="4">Wednesday Jobs
Freelance Writer - US
Seeking freelance writer/researcher to assist author and editor with nonfiction book project based in Savannah (applicants MUST live within immediate driving distance of city. Not more than 1.5 hours, please). This long-term, contract-based project will require extensive writing, research, photo/caption compilation, and work with corporate archives and outside sources. Familiarity with Chicago Manual of Style a plus.
Please send a cover letter and resume, along with a minimum of two published clips to ***** or fax to (954) 463-2220, attention Editorial Department. We are conducting interviews on the morning of December 4 in Savannah; please apply only if you are available that day. Also, please, no phone calls. We will contact you directly if we think you are a suitable candidate. Thank you.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
We are an established international company specializing in B2B magazines with an executive audience across manufacturing industry. As part of our continued expansion we are looking for freelance bi-lingual spanish and/or portuguese writers to conduct interviews over the telephone with senior management. Interviews are conducted in Spanish/Portuguese and written in English. Great opportunity for regular freelance work. Please email resume plus 2 samples of your work to******
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
question writers - US
Freelance writers to write trivia questions for an online trivia site. Required: previous trivia writing experience with samples of your work (or trivia answering experience of over 1000 questions) ; Internet access. Desired: Microsoft Word skills. Number of questions: 200-1,000. Pay rate: $.80-1 per question. please send 1 page resume .
To apply view the job in Directfreelance.com
SEO writer needed for write / rewrite website ...
We have a custom plastic card website, the web contents include:
Our Products: Hotel Key Cards, Gift Cards, Fundraising Cards, Loyalty Cards, Membership Cards, Plastic Business Cards, More Products...
Ordering: Order Online, Card Gallery, Request Samples, Get Started, Art Spec, Send Files
Customer Service: About Us, Contact Us, Office Hours, Fulfillment Services, FAQs, Plastic Card Glossary, Site Map.
We are looking for SEO / content writer to write / rewrite our ENTIRE website. We need the writer to go over our current web pages and help us create better “selling” content. The compensation is around $250 to $350. You article will be showcased on Google and Yahoo as people can easily search on it. It is a good opportunity for you to add a significant line to your resume/portfolio. We have 2 other projects line up after this.
If you are interested in the work, please send an email with the subject "Web Content Writer" to *******. Thank you!
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting Jobs
Freelance Academic Writers and Researchers
We're an established academic assistance company. If you want to know more information about us you can go to Thepaperexperts.com. We're looking for writers with Masters degrees. If you're interested then submit your resume or cv, we're looking for writers interested in starting right away. Our pay rates are competitive and we pay twice a month and on-time :-). We're looking for writers who can help us with the following subjects:
Social Work
Send your resume or cv to ****
To apply view the job in Online writing jobs
No Exp. Assistant - PT, $4,000! Work for Kimley-Horn - Kimley-Horn - Chicago, IL
Kimley-Horn is one of the nation's most comprehensive and best respected engineering and land planning firms.
With more than 2000 staff in 54 offices, we offer full services in a wide range of disciplines: aviation, environmental, intelligent transportation systems, landscape architecture, land planning, transit, transportation, roads and bridges, urban redevelopment, and water resources.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is ranked 20th in the "100 Best Companies to Work For" in the US. Our employees know Kimley-Horn as a great place to work where our core purpose is "to provide an environment for our people to flourish."
What makes Kimley-Horn unique?
Our employee-centered culture where you create your own career path
Incentive and performance bonuses
Up to 20% funding into your retirement savings plan
Company paid medical benefits
Our company would provide training, benefits, competitive hourly rates, and commissions.
Want To Be Valued As An Employee?
Training is provided as well as full support from our management staff.
No experience is necessary, and you may apply regardless of your current class or work schedule, or previous work experience. There is no cold calling, no telemarketing, no door to door sales and no relying on friends and family. We will train you on all you need to know.
The ideal candidate should be very personable, professional, ambitious and self motivated. We are not a graphic design firm or telemarketers. No sales!
Why not work for the Best?
Keywords: Typing, Administrative Assistant, Admin Assistant, Admin Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Receptionist, Receptionists, Typing, Clerical, Executive Assistant, Secretary, Bookkeeping, Book keeping, Admin Asst, Exec Asst, Internet Research, Computer, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Computer Jobs, Data Entry, Word, Collections, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, HR Representative, Human Resources, General Accounting, Front Office Receptionist, Customer Service, Research Assistant, Cust Service, Technical Writer, Telemarketing, Call Center, tech writer, tech writing, administrative processor, Loan Processor, File Clerk, Reception, Project Coordinator, Temporary Assistant, telecommuting, Customer Support, telecommute, Inventory Assistant, work at home, work from home, home employment, working from home, working at home, Associate Web Editor, Copy Writer, Web Developer, Internet Surfer, graphics, Web Designer, Copy Editor, Website Editor, Content Edit, Graphic Designer, Services Manager, Content Manager, Online Marketer, Script Writer, Copy Writer, copy Write, Copywriter, Technical Writer, Marketing Writer, Webmaster, Account Supervisor, Copy Editor, Proofreader, Proof Reader, Analyst, Managing Editor, Analyst, Consultant, Marketing Manager, Advertising, Media, Reporting, Telecommuting, Telecommuter, Telecommute, Administrative Assistant, clerical, administrative, work from home, Admin Assistant, Receptionist, customer service, Internet Researching, Receptionists, Executive Assistant, Data Collection, Secretary, Word-Processing, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Data Entry, Word, Collections, Typists, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, Customer Service, Call Center, Customer Support Representative, File Clerk, Reception, Temporary Assistant, Customer Support. LA20211
To apply view the job in Career builder
*Jobs From W.G.N.L.
Subscribe in W.G.N.L.
Romance Designs Community Newsletters
Deadline: December 31, 2006
PAY: $75
Accepted short stories will be distributed through our Romance Designs Community Newsletters and Websites and is entitled Love Notes: Short Stories of Romance, Volume I: Deserted Islands. Your story must contain A DESERTED ISLAND in it. How you develop that into your story is up to you. SUB-GENRE FOCUS FOR OUR FIRST ROUND OF SUBMISSIONS: Historical romance, contemporary, romantic suspense, fantasy/sci. fi. romance, and paranormal romance.
2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project
PAY: The author will be paid up-front for the serial rights at 1/2 cent a word up to $25.00 per chapter. In return for the book format, the author will receive two author copies and 50% of the net on all sales over $150 US net.
The 2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project will involve obtaining the rights to serial publication of the work in The Sword Review as well as publication as a novel. The selected manuscript will be published in book form and released at the same time as the first chapter appears in The Sword Review. Readers may elect to buy the book in whole at any time, or wait for the monthly installments to run their course.
Inflight Magazine column
PAY: $500 - $600
Seeking freelance technology writers/reporters to contribute to a monthly technology column in a popular, domestic inflight magazine. The column, written for a consumer audience, focuses on the latest in tech gadgets and consumer-technology trends. Columns run about 1600 words. Pay generally ranges between $500 and $600 per column. Qualified writers should e-mail resumes and clips (or portfolio URLs) to the attention of M. Susan Wilson, swilson@paradigmcg.com.
Money & More™ Magazine
PAY: $.15/word
Seeking contributing authors for 500-700 word articles for our upcoming Jan./Feb. issue. Deadline is short-November 15, 2006. The articles are in regards to taxes and are as follows:
1.Ways of Saving To Pay For Taxes
2.Making Sure You Have The Proper Documents For Your Tax Preparer
3.Investment Options For Tax Returns
4.Paying Taxes Online-Benefits and Detriments
All articles submitted to Money & More™ magazine must be original and objective, in keeping with the assigned theme and presented within deadline pending authorized permission. Most articles must feature at least one professional interview/reference, and include a list of sources and contact information. Article submissions may include graphics original to the author, which may or may not be utilized, and a mini bio. Payment is $0.15 per published word and a copy of the magazine, approximately two weeks after publication.
Elizabeth Chatman, Editor
Ph: 843.839.4726 Fax: 843.839.4724
1203 48th Ave. N. Suite 118 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Writer/Teacher needed for illustrated Social Studies Grade 5 and 6 lesson books
New York-based small publishing company seeks an experienced writer/teacher for an illustrated series of educational children's books in SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE 4. Applicant must have teaching experience and be able to write according to NY State Standards for curriculum (standards will be provided). Text/story must be written in a dialogue format in comic-book style panels, with instructions for the future illustrator. Each book has a different set of characters. Plenty of room for creative expression. This assignment requires 160 pages (20 lessons with 8 pages per lesson). Compensation is $250 per lesson, paid via direct deposit. Communication is on-line. Interested parties can contact Heather Chin at u105@englishbasic.com with CV/resume and for more information.
News Editor needed
The Post-Star, a 35,000 circulation newspaper in upstate New York, seeks a proven leader for its seven-person copy desk. We need someone that can be hands on some of the time, a teacher and mentor others. Knowledge of Quark Xpress helpful now, InDesign helpful within a year. We are an award-winning newspaper which places the bar high for our content and design. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, NY, 12801, tingley@poststar.com
Copy Editor
Designer/copy editor needed for 7-person copy desk at 35,000 circulation newspaper in beautiful Upstate New York. We are an award-winning, quality-oriented newspaper that has been a great incubator for copy editor talent at larger newspapers. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, N.Y. or mailto:tingley@poststar.com
Assistant Editor
A.C.T.I.O.N magazine, a new publication is seeking an Assistant Editor to help with the day to day of starting a new magazine. This person should be well-organized and live in the Chicagoland area or close by. This person will assist the Editor in making decisions for the magazine for the first issue and so forth. This person should have at least 2-3 years of experience and willing to go to meetings and be apart of every aspect of decision making for this magazine. In addition to having strong word skills, applicants should be able to to at least design pages using QuarkXPress or Adobe Pagemaker. We are seeking someone who will welcome challenges and the opportunity for growth along with the publication. If you meet the qualifications for the position please send letter and resume to the attention of Kenya Nalls. Email address: mailto:knalls2006@yahoo.com
For more Freelance or Full time leads please go to The Jobrolls and Craigslist Today
#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
The Triggers Of Anger
by: Burt Cotton
Triggers are what interrupts emotions and causes us to become angry. When we learn our triggers, we are taking a step in the right direction to control our emotions. First, we need to weed through the roots of anger to determine the problem. If you have obsessive anger, outbursts you might want to get a physical to eliminate chemical or physical roots of your anger.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Cover Letters
by: Amit Pujar
Cover Letters :: Are you telling them what they want to know?
Let's face it. Recruiters (or employers) are smarter than we think. Bigger organizations pay a hefty salary to their HR department to filter out and sieve through hundreds and thousands of resumes. The idea is to build an organization with people of the right mental aptitude. Most of the top organizations believe strongly in a motto - "People are their greatest assets". Your cover letter goes a long way in capturing and retaining the attention of these people whose main job is to recruit people and coordinate with the workforce.
A well-written cover letter engages the recruiter and pushes him to spend more time reading your detailed resume. Before you start off writing your cover letter, write down what you want to convey on a paper. Read it once, twice, thrice and then set off for a good start. Pack in as much power as you can, because it is these 400 or 500 words that can make the difference.
Have these things on your mind before you start off writing:
Keep your sentences short and avoid using really long sentences because you don't want the recruiter to read it twice to understand what you're trying to convey. Got the point.? Keep your sentences s-h-o-r-t.
Keep your language simple. "I take immense pleasure in applying for this esteemed position in this esteemed organization." Hell.! Your employer knows more about his organization than you do. So you can as well cut the "false" praise. Maybe a subtle mention can do wonders. "I look forward to work with JK Industries".
Organize the content of your cover letter into small paragraphs or bulleted points, not exceeding three paragraphs. Typically each paragraph can contain 3 or 4 sentences.
Do NOT use slang or spoken words like "Lookin' fo a kewl break into yo IT world".
Make sure your cover letter (and resume) is free from spelling or grammatical errors.
And most important: Deliver what the employer is looking for.
So, what should you put in your cover letter?
Ask yourself two questions. One, why should the employer choose you over others? And two, what can you give to the company that others cant? Skills, yes. Proven experience, better.
A good way to start writing is with the correct greeting phrase. If you know the name of the person you are addressing then you can start with 'Dear Ms. Stevenson' or 'Dear Mr. Washington'. Do not use their first names. A bad greeting would be 'Hi Jane' or 'Hello George'.
The first paragraph is to contain a reference. If this is a response to an advertisement or a vacancy listing, this is where you refer to get their attention. Alternatively you can put in a separate line mentioning your reference. (Ref: Your advertisement on Jobsite.com - Ref # 12345).
If you're mentioning your reference in the first paragraph, you can continue on to include why you applied for that position. A good way of connecting the reference to your application is "my skills and your requirement are a good match." Put that in your own words.
In the next paragraph, you justify your statement about why you think that your skills and the skills required for the position are a good match. Make a single line reference to a particular achievement in your current (or previous) job that is along similar lines so that the employer will know exactly what he's looking for. A good example would be "Set up a fully operational network of franchisees in Southern France for retailing ABC Coffee".
Avoid mentioning skills you don't have or projects you have never worked on. Because sooner or later, you're going to face it; when the interviewer looks into your cover letter (or resume) and says "OK, Mr. Stephens, can you give me an instance of how you can use XML to port data from a backend system into a Middleware application"? And that's when you mind starts racing, "XML?? Middleware?? Port..?? Is that my resume he's got..???". God bless you if it's not your resume.
If there are more achievements you want to include, write them down in bulleted points. It's easier for the employer to read, comprehend and get a good picture of your capabilities. Do not reproduce your entire resume here. 2 or 3 such points will do perfectly fine. Of course, do not include irrelevant achievements like "Won a Silver Medal in 200 x 4 Men's Relay Race conducted by Louisville Young Adults Club in 1991". Not unless you're applying for the post of a Physical Trainer or Coach.
You have made your point here. You know why you're applying. And recruiters like that. You know your responsibilities, the risks involved and the tasks you'll be handling. You're just the person they're looking for. At least, you're one of the persons they'd like to talk to before handing over the employment contract.
An ending note can make quite an impression. Tell them your resume is attached and that you're "looking forward to explore this opportunity further". Include an address and telephone number for them to contact you.
Sign off with a "Yours Truly" or "Best Regards" and put your complete name under it.
Get into form and write out your winning cover letter.
About The Author
Amit Pujar is a copywriter/technical writer currently heading the content department of an online publication. Amit writes on a variety of subjects and is currently working on his first non-fiction. He can be reached at pujar@yahoo.com
#Freelance Writing jobs :
Bilingual Medical Editor - The BOSS Group - Philadelphia, PA
The BOSS Group has a freelance opportunity for a Bilingual Medical Editor to work onsite in the Metro Philly (Montgomery County) area. Our client, a full service direct advertising agency, needs an experienced editor/proofreader to translate and edit patient educational materials. The ideal candidate will possess a meticulous eye for detail, thorough understanding of both the Spanish and English language, and be available for a two to four week assignment.
* Superb translation skills, able translate and edit in Spanish
* Strong Pharmaceutical copy editing background
* Highly organized with strong time management skills
* Ability to comprehend, write and edit complex health related material in Spanish and English, ensuring content is accurate and appropriate for intended audience
* Bachelor s Degree in related field
The BOSS Group offers an attractive compensation package including competitive salary, 401(k) plan with company match, weekly paychecks, holiday pay, bonus pay and a health benefits program.
Named one of the 2006 Best Places to Work (WBJ), The BOSS Group specializes in matching highly qualified creative, marketing, proposals, advertising and web talent with top temporary and permanent assignments throughout the Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; NJ/NYC; and Dallas-Fort Worth metro areas, and is an equal opportunity employer.
To be considered for this position, complete our online application, select the Metro Philly office, and reference job #23893CF
The BOSS Group - where talent and opportunity meet
Medical Writer, Medical Editor, Bilingual, Spanish, Pharmaceutical, Advertising
To apply view the job in Monster
Freelance Editor - CMP Technology - San Francisco, CA
CMP Technology is the leading high tech B2B multi-media company, providing marketing solutions for the global technology industry. Through its market-leading portfolio of trusted information brands, CMP Technology has earned the confidence of more technology professionals than any other media company. As a result, CMP Technology is the premier provider of access, insight and actionable programs designed to connect sellers and buyers in ways that yield superior return on investment. For more information, go to www.cmp.com
CMP's Electronics Group is looking for a freelance editor to work on one of our high-tech Web sites. We are seeking an experienced Site Editor with experience in the general electronics industry. Knowledge of sensors, motor control, and networking would be a plus. The editor would be responsible for soliciting and editing technical articles, searching for news and product information, and posting articles. Limited knowledge of HTML is also a plus. A strong sense for technology, as well as a devotion to establishing a market-leading site, are essential.
If you are interested in this great opportunity, please send a resume and cover letter to: rnass@cmp.com
To apply view the job in Hot Jobs
Seeking Jobs/Careers Freelance Writer - US
Are you up on the hottest job market trends? Do you enjoy discussing the latest career news with your friends and family?
AOL Find a Job, one of the leading online job seeking portals, seeks meticulous and reliable freelance writers to write engaging 500 - 700 word features covering the job market -- everything from career advice, to the latest occupational trends. Your writing should be crisp, clear and timely and your literary voice strong. Experience contributing to websites, blogs or other ecommerce-related outlets is a strong plus.
To apply, please send the following to ***** within the body of the e-mail.
*** Sorry.... No attachments
1. Cover letter 2. Your resume 3. Include links to articles you have written and/or insert articles you've written.
Pay is $200 for each 500-700-word article. We do NOT reimburse for expenses. Due to the volume of queries, not all applications will receive a response.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
translator/writer for an adventure computer game
Game development studio is looking for a native English dialog writer able to translate from French for their new adventure video game “Sherlock Holmes against Arsene Lupin”.
The script is already written in French, but we need you to fit the 19th century style + typical British expression. Please note also that there are some part written in poetry.
Full project salary - $1500. (around 40 000 words)
end of the work: February 2007
please contact me
for any info on our company
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting jobs
NY1 News- Writer (Freelance) Time Warner -New York, NY
Prepares, writes and copy edits assigned stories into scripts and edits audio and video to be presented on the air. Updates copy and audio/video as story changes. Works with reporters, producers, assignment desk and to produce factual, clear, interesting news stories that the viewing public can understand. Writes scripts and edits audio/video in a timely fashion.
• Reads local newspapers and watches other local TV stations to keep in touch with NY news.
• Prepares news stories based on information provided by the assignment desk, wire service, newspapers, press releases, NY1 Archives and video tape shot in the field.
• Adds video, sound and graphics.
• Writes clear, simple scripts for anchors to read.
• Copy edits scripts correcting for accuracy, factual content, pronunciation, grammar and spelling.
• Updates scripts as news changes.
• Provides scripts in a timely fashion.
• Suggests ways to improve the process.
Audio/Video Editing
• Logs incoming video and audio for use in news wheel.
• Edits video for anchor voice-overs and sound on tapes using current and future technology.
• Works with reporters to prepare voice over material and sound for their live field reports.
Equipment Setup
• Checks all equipment.
• Reads scopes and audio levels.
• Sets machines to required levels.
Quality Control
• Makes certain all video and sound meet quality standards.
Other duties as assigned.
• College degree
• Degree in Journalism, Communication or English preferred.
• 1-2 years newsroom experience: internship, field work, or freelance.
• Video Production experience necessary.
• Experience writing copy, editing, shooting, collecting elements and putting packages together.
• Experience researching, creating news stories and making basic editorial decisions on what is a newsworthy story.
Skills, Knowledge, Abilities:
? Ability to work under pressure
? Attention to detail
? Communication/Interpersonal skills
? Creative thinking skills
? Current news events
? Editorial skills
? Electronic newsroom system
? Legal issues as they relate to news coverage
? News judgment
? News production knowledge
? News systems: library, archives, editing, desk
? News reporting
? NYC people, issues and events
? Organization skills
? PC knowledge
? Windows
? Word, Word Perfect
? Excel
? Lotus
? Problem Solving/Decision making
? Programming subject matter
? Server technology knowledge
? Time management skills
? Typing
? Video & audio equipment knowledge
? Video Editing
? Video formats (Beta, Que, 1 inch, ½ inch)
? Writing skills
Supervision of: No one
• To choose style and content of scripts, sound and video that go with news stories, but all work is subject to review.
Working Conditions:
• Fast-paced environment requiring flexibility, cooperation, immediate and appropriate responses and swift news judgment.
• Stressful environment requiring patience, sensitivity and strong people skills.
• Creative, entrepreneurial environment that attracts talented people requiring the ability to listen, follow instructions, identify and meet their needs, and take constructive criticism.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit DB98A
To apply view the job in diversityink
NY1 News - Reporter (Freelance) Time Warner - New York, NY
Collects and analyzes information about newsworthy events to present news stories for broadcast.
• Receives assignment or evaluates news leads and news tips to develop story idea.
• Gathers and verifies factual information regarding story through interview, observation, and research.
• Organizes material, determines emphasis, and writes story according to prescribed editorial style and format standards.
• Transmits information to Newswriter for story writing.
• Writes stories for delivery by anchors.
• Develops sources and contacts for story development.
Camera and Field Operations
• Shoots video to illustrate stories.
• Edits, or assists in editing, videos for broadcast.
Presentation Skills
• Appears on television program when conducting taped or filmed interviews or narration.
• Gives live reports from site of event or mobile broadcast unit.
• Occasionally represents station at other events.
Other Duties as Assigned.
Education: College Degree preferred.
Experience: 2-3 years experience in print or broadcast journalism. Experience in the New York market preferred but not required.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit NY1 News
To apply view the job in diversityink
Wednesday Jobs
Freelance Writer - US
Seeking freelance writer/researcher to assist author and editor with nonfiction book project based in Savannah (applicants MUST live within immediate driving distance of city. Not more than 1.5 hours, please). This long-term, contract-based project will require extensive writing, research, photo/caption compilation, and work with corporate archives and outside sources. Familiarity with Chicago Manual of Style a plus.
Please send a cover letter and resume, along with a minimum of two published clips to ***** or fax to (954) 463-2220, attention Editorial Department. We are conducting interviews on the morning of December 4 in Savannah; please apply only if you are available that day. Also, please, no phone calls. We will contact you directly if we think you are a suitable candidate. Thank you.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
We are an established international company specializing in B2B magazines with an executive audience across manufacturing industry. As part of our continued expansion we are looking for freelance bi-lingual spanish and/or portuguese writers to conduct interviews over the telephone with senior management. Interviews are conducted in Spanish/Portuguese and written in English. Great opportunity for regular freelance work. Please email resume plus 2 samples of your work to******
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
question writers - US
Freelance writers to write trivia questions for an online trivia site. Required: previous trivia writing experience with samples of your work (or trivia answering experience of over 1000 questions) ; Internet access. Desired: Microsoft Word skills. Number of questions: 200-1,000. Pay rate: $.80-1 per question. please send 1 page resume .
To apply view the job in Directfreelance.com
SEO writer needed for write / rewrite website ...
We have a custom plastic card website, the web contents include:
Our Products: Hotel Key Cards, Gift Cards, Fundraising Cards, Loyalty Cards, Membership Cards, Plastic Business Cards, More Products...
Ordering: Order Online, Card Gallery, Request Samples, Get Started, Art Spec, Send Files
Customer Service: About Us, Contact Us, Office Hours, Fulfillment Services, FAQs, Plastic Card Glossary, Site Map.
We are looking for SEO / content writer to write / rewrite our ENTIRE website. We need the writer to go over our current web pages and help us create better “selling” content. The compensation is around $250 to $350. You article will be showcased on Google and Yahoo as people can easily search on it. It is a good opportunity for you to add a significant line to your resume/portfolio. We have 2 other projects line up after this.
If you are interested in the work, please send an email with the subject "Web Content Writer" to *******. Thank you!
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting Jobs
Freelance Academic Writers and Researchers
We're an established academic assistance company. If you want to know more information about us you can go to Thepaperexperts.com. We're looking for writers with Masters degrees. If you're interested then submit your resume or cv, we're looking for writers interested in starting right away. Our pay rates are competitive and we pay twice a month and on-time :-). We're looking for writers who can help us with the following subjects:
Social Work
Send your resume or cv to ****
To apply view the job in Online writing jobs
No Exp. Assistant - PT, $4,000! Work for Kimley-Horn - Kimley-Horn - Chicago, IL
Kimley-Horn is one of the nation's most comprehensive and best respected engineering and land planning firms.
With more than 2000 staff in 54 offices, we offer full services in a wide range of disciplines: aviation, environmental, intelligent transportation systems, landscape architecture, land planning, transit, transportation, roads and bridges, urban redevelopment, and water resources.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is ranked 20th in the "100 Best Companies to Work For" in the US. Our employees know Kimley-Horn as a great place to work where our core purpose is "to provide an environment for our people to flourish."
What makes Kimley-Horn unique?
Our employee-centered culture where you create your own career path
Incentive and performance bonuses
Up to 20% funding into your retirement savings plan
Company paid medical benefits
Our company would provide training, benefits, competitive hourly rates, and commissions.
Want To Be Valued As An Employee?
Training is provided as well as full support from our management staff.
No experience is necessary, and you may apply regardless of your current class or work schedule, or previous work experience. There is no cold calling, no telemarketing, no door to door sales and no relying on friends and family. We will train you on all you need to know.
The ideal candidate should be very personable, professional, ambitious and self motivated. We are not a graphic design firm or telemarketers. No sales!
Why not work for the Best?
Keywords: Typing, Administrative Assistant, Admin Assistant, Admin Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Receptionist, Receptionists, Typing, Clerical, Executive Assistant, Secretary, Bookkeeping, Book keeping, Admin Asst, Exec Asst, Internet Research, Computer, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Computer Jobs, Data Entry, Word, Collections, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, HR Representative, Human Resources, General Accounting, Front Office Receptionist, Customer Service, Research Assistant, Cust Service, Technical Writer, Telemarketing, Call Center, tech writer, tech writing, administrative processor, Loan Processor, File Clerk, Reception, Project Coordinator, Temporary Assistant, telecommuting, Customer Support, telecommute, Inventory Assistant, work at home, work from home, home employment, working from home, working at home, Associate Web Editor, Copy Writer, Web Developer, Internet Surfer, graphics, Web Designer, Copy Editor, Website Editor, Content Edit, Graphic Designer, Services Manager, Content Manager, Online Marketer, Script Writer, Copy Writer, copy Write, Copywriter, Technical Writer, Marketing Writer, Webmaster, Account Supervisor, Copy Editor, Proofreader, Proof Reader, Analyst, Managing Editor, Analyst, Consultant, Marketing Manager, Advertising, Media, Reporting, Telecommuting, Telecommuter, Telecommute, Administrative Assistant, clerical, administrative, work from home, Admin Assistant, Receptionist, customer service, Internet Researching, Receptionists, Executive Assistant, Data Collection, Secretary, Word-Processing, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Data Entry, Word, Collections, Typists, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, Customer Service, Call Center, Customer Support Representative, File Clerk, Reception, Temporary Assistant, Customer Support. LA20211
To apply view the job in Career builder
*Jobs From W.G.N.L.
Subscribe in W.G.N.L.
Romance Designs Community Newsletters
Deadline: December 31, 2006
PAY: $75
Accepted short stories will be distributed through our Romance Designs Community Newsletters and Websites and is entitled Love Notes: Short Stories of Romance, Volume I: Deserted Islands. Your story must contain A DESERTED ISLAND in it. How you develop that into your story is up to you. SUB-GENRE FOCUS FOR OUR FIRST ROUND OF SUBMISSIONS: Historical romance, contemporary, romantic suspense, fantasy/sci. fi. romance, and paranormal romance.
2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project
PAY: The author will be paid up-front for the serial rights at 1/2 cent a word up to $25.00 per chapter. In return for the book format, the author will receive two author copies and 50% of the net on all sales over $150 US net.
The 2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project will involve obtaining the rights to serial publication of the work in The Sword Review as well as publication as a novel. The selected manuscript will be published in book form and released at the same time as the first chapter appears in The Sword Review. Readers may elect to buy the book in whole at any time, or wait for the monthly installments to run their course.
Inflight Magazine column
PAY: $500 - $600
Seeking freelance technology writers/reporters to contribute to a monthly technology column in a popular, domestic inflight magazine. The column, written for a consumer audience, focuses on the latest in tech gadgets and consumer-technology trends. Columns run about 1600 words. Pay generally ranges between $500 and $600 per column. Qualified writers should e-mail resumes and clips (or portfolio URLs) to the attention of M. Susan Wilson, swilson@paradigmcg.com.
Money & More™ Magazine
PAY: $.15/word
Seeking contributing authors for 500-700 word articles for our upcoming Jan./Feb. issue. Deadline is short-November 15, 2006. The articles are in regards to taxes and are as follows:
1.Ways of Saving To Pay For Taxes
2.Making Sure You Have The Proper Documents For Your Tax Preparer
3.Investment Options For Tax Returns
4.Paying Taxes Online-Benefits and Detriments
All articles submitted to Money & More™ magazine must be original and objective, in keeping with the assigned theme and presented within deadline pending authorized permission. Most articles must feature at least one professional interview/reference, and include a list of sources and contact information. Article submissions may include graphics original to the author, which may or may not be utilized, and a mini bio. Payment is $0.15 per published word and a copy of the magazine, approximately two weeks after publication.
Elizabeth Chatman, Editor
Ph: 843.839.4726 Fax: 843.839.4724
1203 48th Ave. N. Suite 118 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Writer/Teacher needed for illustrated Social Studies Grade 5 and 6 lesson books
New York-based small publishing company seeks an experienced writer/teacher for an illustrated series of educational children's books in SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE 4. Applicant must have teaching experience and be able to write according to NY State Standards for curriculum (standards will be provided). Text/story must be written in a dialogue format in comic-book style panels, with instructions for the future illustrator. Each book has a different set of characters. Plenty of room for creative expression. This assignment requires 160 pages (20 lessons with 8 pages per lesson). Compensation is $250 per lesson, paid via direct deposit. Communication is on-line. Interested parties can contact Heather Chin at u105@englishbasic.com with CV/resume and for more information.
News Editor needed
The Post-Star, a 35,000 circulation newspaper in upstate New York, seeks a proven leader for its seven-person copy desk. We need someone that can be hands on some of the time, a teacher and mentor others. Knowledge of Quark Xpress helpful now, InDesign helpful within a year. We are an award-winning newspaper which places the bar high for our content and design. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, NY, 12801, tingley@poststar.com
Copy Editor
Designer/copy editor needed for 7-person copy desk at 35,000 circulation newspaper in beautiful Upstate New York. We are an award-winning, quality-oriented newspaper that has been a great incubator for copy editor talent at larger newspapers. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, N.Y. or mailto:tingley@poststar.com
Assistant Editor
A.C.T.I.O.N magazine, a new publication is seeking an Assistant Editor to help with the day to day of starting a new magazine. This person should be well-organized and live in the Chicagoland area or close by. This person will assist the Editor in making decisions for the magazine for the first issue and so forth. This person should have at least 2-3 years of experience and willing to go to meetings and be apart of every aspect of decision making for this magazine. In addition to having strong word skills, applicants should be able to to at least design pages using QuarkXPress or Adobe Pagemaker. We are seeking someone who will welcome challenges and the opportunity for growth along with the publication. If you meet the qualifications for the position please send letter and resume to the attention of Kenya Nalls. Email address: mailto:knalls2006@yahoo.com
For more Freelance or Full time leads please go to The Jobrolls and Craigslist Today
#Freelance Daily Post:
Today in Freelance Fingerprints
The Triggers Of Anger
by: Burt Cotton
Triggers are what interrupts emotions and causes us to become angry. When we learn our triggers, we are taking a step in the right direction to control our emotions. First, we need to weed through the roots of anger to determine the problem. If you have obsessive anger, outbursts you might want to get a physical to eliminate chemical or physical roots of your anger.
To read more please go Freelance Fingerprints
#Daily Writing Tip :
Cover Letters
by: Amit Pujar
Cover Letters :: Are you telling them what they want to know?
Let's face it. Recruiters (or employers) are smarter than we think. Bigger organizations pay a hefty salary to their HR department to filter out and sieve through hundreds and thousands of resumes. The idea is to build an organization with people of the right mental aptitude. Most of the top organizations believe strongly in a motto - "People are their greatest assets". Your cover letter goes a long way in capturing and retaining the attention of these people whose main job is to recruit people and coordinate with the workforce.
A well-written cover letter engages the recruiter and pushes him to spend more time reading your detailed resume. Before you start off writing your cover letter, write down what you want to convey on a paper. Read it once, twice, thrice and then set off for a good start. Pack in as much power as you can, because it is these 400 or 500 words that can make the difference.
Have these things on your mind before you start off writing:
Keep your sentences short and avoid using really long sentences because you don't want the recruiter to read it twice to understand what you're trying to convey. Got the point.? Keep your sentences s-h-o-r-t.
Keep your language simple. "I take immense pleasure in applying for this esteemed position in this esteemed organization." Hell.! Your employer knows more about his organization than you do. So you can as well cut the "false" praise. Maybe a subtle mention can do wonders. "I look forward to work with JK Industries".
Organize the content of your cover letter into small paragraphs or bulleted points, not exceeding three paragraphs. Typically each paragraph can contain 3 or 4 sentences.
Do NOT use slang or spoken words like "Lookin' fo a kewl break into yo IT world".
Make sure your cover letter (and resume) is free from spelling or grammatical errors.
And most important: Deliver what the employer is looking for.
So, what should you put in your cover letter?
Ask yourself two questions. One, why should the employer choose you over others? And two, what can you give to the company that others cant? Skills, yes. Proven experience, better.
A good way to start writing is with the correct greeting phrase. If you know the name of the person you are addressing then you can start with 'Dear Ms. Stevenson' or 'Dear Mr. Washington'. Do not use their first names. A bad greeting would be 'Hi Jane' or 'Hello George'.
The first paragraph is to contain a reference. If this is a response to an advertisement or a vacancy listing, this is where you refer to get their attention. Alternatively you can put in a separate line mentioning your reference. (Ref: Your advertisement on Jobsite.com - Ref # 12345).
If you're mentioning your reference in the first paragraph, you can continue on to include why you applied for that position. A good way of connecting the reference to your application is "my skills and your requirement are a good match." Put that in your own words.
In the next paragraph, you justify your statement about why you think that your skills and the skills required for the position are a good match. Make a single line reference to a particular achievement in your current (or previous) job that is along similar lines so that the employer will know exactly what he's looking for. A good example would be "Set up a fully operational network of franchisees in Southern France for retailing ABC Coffee".
Avoid mentioning skills you don't have or projects you have never worked on. Because sooner or later, you're going to face it; when the interviewer looks into your cover letter (or resume) and says "OK, Mr. Stephens, can you give me an instance of how you can use XML to port data from a backend system into a Middleware application"? And that's when you mind starts racing, "XML?? Middleware?? Port..?? Is that my resume he's got..???". God bless you if it's not your resume.
If there are more achievements you want to include, write them down in bulleted points. It's easier for the employer to read, comprehend and get a good picture of your capabilities. Do not reproduce your entire resume here. 2 or 3 such points will do perfectly fine. Of course, do not include irrelevant achievements like "Won a Silver Medal in 200 x 4 Men's Relay Race conducted by Louisville Young Adults Club in 1991". Not unless you're applying for the post of a Physical Trainer or Coach.
You have made your point here. You know why you're applying. And recruiters like that. You know your responsibilities, the risks involved and the tasks you'll be handling. You're just the person they're looking for. At least, you're one of the persons they'd like to talk to before handing over the employment contract.
An ending note can make quite an impression. Tell them your resume is attached and that you're "looking forward to explore this opportunity further". Include an address and telephone number for them to contact you.
Sign off with a "Yours Truly" or "Best Regards" and put your complete name under it.
Get into form and write out your winning cover letter.
About The Author
Amit Pujar is a copywriter/technical writer currently heading the content department of an online publication. Amit writes on a variety of subjects and is currently working on his first non-fiction. He can be reached at pujar@yahoo.com
#Freelance Writing jobs :
Bilingual Medical Editor - The BOSS Group - Philadelphia, PA
The BOSS Group has a freelance opportunity for a Bilingual Medical Editor to work onsite in the Metro Philly (Montgomery County) area. Our client, a full service direct advertising agency, needs an experienced editor/proofreader to translate and edit patient educational materials. The ideal candidate will possess a meticulous eye for detail, thorough understanding of both the Spanish and English language, and be available for a two to four week assignment.
* Superb translation skills, able translate and edit in Spanish
* Strong Pharmaceutical copy editing background
* Highly organized with strong time management skills
* Ability to comprehend, write and edit complex health related material in Spanish and English, ensuring content is accurate and appropriate for intended audience
* Bachelor s Degree in related field
The BOSS Group offers an attractive compensation package including competitive salary, 401(k) plan with company match, weekly paychecks, holiday pay, bonus pay and a health benefits program.
Named one of the 2006 Best Places to Work (WBJ), The BOSS Group specializes in matching highly qualified creative, marketing, proposals, advertising and web talent with top temporary and permanent assignments throughout the Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; NJ/NYC; and Dallas-Fort Worth metro areas, and is an equal opportunity employer.
To be considered for this position, complete our online application, select the Metro Philly office, and reference job #23893CF
The BOSS Group - where talent and opportunity meet
Medical Writer, Medical Editor, Bilingual, Spanish, Pharmaceutical, Advertising
To apply view the job in Monster
Freelance Editor - CMP Technology - San Francisco, CA
CMP Technology is the leading high tech B2B multi-media company, providing marketing solutions for the global technology industry. Through its market-leading portfolio of trusted information brands, CMP Technology has earned the confidence of more technology professionals than any other media company. As a result, CMP Technology is the premier provider of access, insight and actionable programs designed to connect sellers and buyers in ways that yield superior return on investment. For more information, go to www.cmp.com
CMP's Electronics Group is looking for a freelance editor to work on one of our high-tech Web sites. We are seeking an experienced Site Editor with experience in the general electronics industry. Knowledge of sensors, motor control, and networking would be a plus. The editor would be responsible for soliciting and editing technical articles, searching for news and product information, and posting articles. Limited knowledge of HTML is also a plus. A strong sense for technology, as well as a devotion to establishing a market-leading site, are essential.
If you are interested in this great opportunity, please send a resume and cover letter to: rnass@cmp.com
To apply view the job in Hot Jobs
Seeking Jobs/Careers Freelance Writer - US
Are you up on the hottest job market trends? Do you enjoy discussing the latest career news with your friends and family?
AOL Find a Job, one of the leading online job seeking portals, seeks meticulous and reliable freelance writers to write engaging 500 - 700 word features covering the job market -- everything from career advice, to the latest occupational trends. Your writing should be crisp, clear and timely and your literary voice strong. Experience contributing to websites, blogs or other ecommerce-related outlets is a strong plus.
To apply, please send the following to ***** within the body of the e-mail.
*** Sorry.... No attachments
1. Cover letter 2. Your resume 3. Include links to articles you have written and/or insert articles you've written.
Pay is $200 for each 500-700-word article. We do NOT reimburse for expenses. Due to the volume of queries, not all applications will receive a response.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
translator/writer for an adventure computer game
Game development studio is looking for a native English dialog writer able to translate from French for their new adventure video game “Sherlock Holmes against Arsene Lupin”.
The script is already written in French, but we need you to fit the 19th century style + typical British expression. Please note also that there are some part written in poetry.
Full project salary - $1500. (around 40 000 words)
end of the work: February 2007
please contact me
for any info on our company
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting jobs
NY1 News- Writer (Freelance) Time Warner -New York, NY
Prepares, writes and copy edits assigned stories into scripts and edits audio and video to be presented on the air. Updates copy and audio/video as story changes. Works with reporters, producers, assignment desk and to produce factual, clear, interesting news stories that the viewing public can understand. Writes scripts and edits audio/video in a timely fashion.
• Reads local newspapers and watches other local TV stations to keep in touch with NY news.
• Prepares news stories based on information provided by the assignment desk, wire service, newspapers, press releases, NY1 Archives and video tape shot in the field.
• Adds video, sound and graphics.
• Writes clear, simple scripts for anchors to read.
• Copy edits scripts correcting for accuracy, factual content, pronunciation, grammar and spelling.
• Updates scripts as news changes.
• Provides scripts in a timely fashion.
• Suggests ways to improve the process.
Audio/Video Editing
• Logs incoming video and audio for use in news wheel.
• Edits video for anchor voice-overs and sound on tapes using current and future technology.
• Works with reporters to prepare voice over material and sound for their live field reports.
Equipment Setup
• Checks all equipment.
• Reads scopes and audio levels.
• Sets machines to required levels.
Quality Control
• Makes certain all video and sound meet quality standards.
Other duties as assigned.
• College degree
• Degree in Journalism, Communication or English preferred.
• 1-2 years newsroom experience: internship, field work, or freelance.
• Video Production experience necessary.
• Experience writing copy, editing, shooting, collecting elements and putting packages together.
• Experience researching, creating news stories and making basic editorial decisions on what is a newsworthy story.
Skills, Knowledge, Abilities:
? Ability to work under pressure
? Attention to detail
? Communication/Interpersonal skills
? Creative thinking skills
? Current news events
? Editorial skills
? Electronic newsroom system
? Legal issues as they relate to news coverage
? News judgment
? News production knowledge
? News systems: library, archives, editing, desk
? News reporting
? NYC people, issues and events
? Organization skills
? PC knowledge
? Windows
? Word, Word Perfect
? Excel
? Lotus
? Problem Solving/Decision making
? Programming subject matter
? Server technology knowledge
? Time management skills
? Typing
? Video & audio equipment knowledge
? Video Editing
? Video formats (Beta, Que, 1 inch, ½ inch)
? Writing skills
Supervision of: No one
• To choose style and content of scripts, sound and video that go with news stories, but all work is subject to review.
Working Conditions:
• Fast-paced environment requiring flexibility, cooperation, immediate and appropriate responses and swift news judgment.
• Stressful environment requiring patience, sensitivity and strong people skills.
• Creative, entrepreneurial environment that attracts talented people requiring the ability to listen, follow instructions, identify and meet their needs, and take constructive criticism.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit DB98A
To apply view the job in diversityink
NY1 News - Reporter (Freelance) Time Warner - New York, NY
Collects and analyzes information about newsworthy events to present news stories for broadcast.
• Receives assignment or evaluates news leads and news tips to develop story idea.
• Gathers and verifies factual information regarding story through interview, observation, and research.
• Organizes material, determines emphasis, and writes story according to prescribed editorial style and format standards.
• Transmits information to Newswriter for story writing.
• Writes stories for delivery by anchors.
• Develops sources and contacts for story development.
Camera and Field Operations
• Shoots video to illustrate stories.
• Edits, or assists in editing, videos for broadcast.
Presentation Skills
• Appears on television program when conducting taped or filmed interviews or narration.
• Gives live reports from site of event or mobile broadcast unit.
• Occasionally represents station at other events.
Other Duties as Assigned.
Education: College Degree preferred.
Experience: 2-3 years experience in print or broadcast journalism. Experience in the New York market preferred but not required.
Time Warner Cable supports a drug-free environment and is EOE M/F/V/D
Business Unit NY1 News
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Wednesday Jobs
Freelance Writer - US
Seeking freelance writer/researcher to assist author and editor with nonfiction book project based in Savannah (applicants MUST live within immediate driving distance of city. Not more than 1.5 hours, please). This long-term, contract-based project will require extensive writing, research, photo/caption compilation, and work with corporate archives and outside sources. Familiarity with Chicago Manual of Style a plus.
Please send a cover letter and resume, along with a minimum of two published clips to ***** or fax to (954) 463-2220, attention Editorial Department. We are conducting interviews on the morning of December 4 in Savannah; please apply only if you are available that day. Also, please, no phone calls. We will contact you directly if we think you are a suitable candidate. Thank you.
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
We are an established international company specializing in B2B magazines with an executive audience across manufacturing industry. As part of our continued expansion we are looking for freelance bi-lingual spanish and/or portuguese writers to conduct interviews over the telephone with senior management. Interviews are conducted in Spanish/Portuguese and written in English. Great opportunity for regular freelance work. Please email resume plus 2 samples of your work to******
To apply view the job in Journalism Jobs
question writers - US
Freelance writers to write trivia questions for an online trivia site. Required: previous trivia writing experience with samples of your work (or trivia answering experience of over 1000 questions) ; Internet access. Desired: Microsoft Word skills. Number of questions: 200-1,000. Pay rate: $.80-1 per question. please send 1 page resume .
To apply view the job in Directfreelance.com
SEO writer needed for write / rewrite website ...
We have a custom plastic card website, the web contents include:
Our Products: Hotel Key Cards, Gift Cards, Fundraising Cards, Loyalty Cards, Membership Cards, Plastic Business Cards, More Products...
Ordering: Order Online, Card Gallery, Request Samples, Get Started, Art Spec, Send Files
Customer Service: About Us, Contact Us, Office Hours, Fulfillment Services, FAQs, Plastic Card Glossary, Site Map.
We are looking for SEO / content writer to write / rewrite our ENTIRE website. We need the writer to go over our current web pages and help us create better “selling” content. The compensation is around $250 to $350. You article will be showcased on Google and Yahoo as people can easily search on it. It is a good opportunity for you to add a significant line to your resume/portfolio. We have 2 other projects line up after this.
If you are interested in the work, please send an email with the subject "Web Content Writer" to *******. Thank you!
To apply view the job in Onlinewriting Jobs
Freelance Academic Writers and Researchers
We're an established academic assistance company. If you want to know more information about us you can go to Thepaperexperts.com. We're looking for writers with Masters degrees. If you're interested then submit your resume or cv, we're looking for writers interested in starting right away. Our pay rates are competitive and we pay twice a month and on-time :-). We're looking for writers who can help us with the following subjects:
Social Work
Send your resume or cv to ****
To apply view the job in Online writing jobs
No Exp. Assistant - PT, $4,000! Work for Kimley-Horn - Kimley-Horn - Chicago, IL
Kimley-Horn is one of the nation's most comprehensive and best respected engineering and land planning firms.
With more than 2000 staff in 54 offices, we offer full services in a wide range of disciplines: aviation, environmental, intelligent transportation systems, landscape architecture, land planning, transit, transportation, roads and bridges, urban redevelopment, and water resources.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is ranked 20th in the "100 Best Companies to Work For" in the US. Our employees know Kimley-Horn as a great place to work where our core purpose is "to provide an environment for our people to flourish."
What makes Kimley-Horn unique?
Our employee-centered culture where you create your own career path
Incentive and performance bonuses
Up to 20% funding into your retirement savings plan
Company paid medical benefits
Our company would provide training, benefits, competitive hourly rates, and commissions.
Want To Be Valued As An Employee?
Training is provided as well as full support from our management staff.
No experience is necessary, and you may apply regardless of your current class or work schedule, or previous work experience. There is no cold calling, no telemarketing, no door to door sales and no relying on friends and family. We will train you on all you need to know.
The ideal candidate should be very personable, professional, ambitious and self motivated. We are not a graphic design firm or telemarketers. No sales!
Why not work for the Best?
Keywords: Typing, Administrative Assistant, Admin Assistant, Admin Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Receptionist, Receptionists, Typing, Clerical, Executive Assistant, Secretary, Bookkeeping, Book keeping, Admin Asst, Exec Asst, Internet Research, Computer, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Computer Jobs, Data Entry, Word, Collections, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, HR Representative, Human Resources, General Accounting, Front Office Receptionist, Customer Service, Research Assistant, Cust Service, Technical Writer, Telemarketing, Call Center, tech writer, tech writing, administrative processor, Loan Processor, File Clerk, Reception, Project Coordinator, Temporary Assistant, telecommuting, Customer Support, telecommute, Inventory Assistant, work at home, work from home, home employment, working from home, working at home, Associate Web Editor, Copy Writer, Web Developer, Internet Surfer, graphics, Web Designer, Copy Editor, Website Editor, Content Edit, Graphic Designer, Services Manager, Content Manager, Online Marketer, Script Writer, Copy Writer, copy Write, Copywriter, Technical Writer, Marketing Writer, Webmaster, Account Supervisor, Copy Editor, Proofreader, Proof Reader, Analyst, Managing Editor, Analyst, Consultant, Marketing Manager, Advertising, Media, Reporting, Telecommuting, Telecommuter, Telecommute, Administrative Assistant, clerical, administrative, work from home, Admin Assistant, Receptionist, customer service, Internet Researching, Receptionists, Executive Assistant, Data Collection, Secretary, Word-Processing, Office Manager, Payroll Administrator, Data Entry, Word, Collections, Typists, General Office, Clerk, Office Coordinator, Clerical Assistant, Customer Service, Call Center, Customer Support Representative, File Clerk, Reception, Temporary Assistant, Customer Support. LA20211
To apply view the job in Career builder
*Jobs From W.G.N.L.
Subscribe in W.G.N.L.
Romance Designs Community Newsletters
Deadline: December 31, 2006
PAY: $75
Accepted short stories will be distributed through our Romance Designs Community Newsletters and Websites and is entitled Love Notes: Short Stories of Romance, Volume I: Deserted Islands. Your story must contain A DESERTED ISLAND in it. How you develop that into your story is up to you. SUB-GENRE FOCUS FOR OUR FIRST ROUND OF SUBMISSIONS: Historical romance, contemporary, romantic suspense, fantasy/sci. fi. romance, and paranormal romance.
2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project
PAY: The author will be paid up-front for the serial rights at 1/2 cent a word up to $25.00 per chapter. In return for the book format, the author will receive two author copies and 50% of the net on all sales over $150 US net.
The 2007 Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel project will involve obtaining the rights to serial publication of the work in The Sword Review as well as publication as a novel. The selected manuscript will be published in book form and released at the same time as the first chapter appears in The Sword Review. Readers may elect to buy the book in whole at any time, or wait for the monthly installments to run their course.
Inflight Magazine column
PAY: $500 - $600
Seeking freelance technology writers/reporters to contribute to a monthly technology column in a popular, domestic inflight magazine. The column, written for a consumer audience, focuses on the latest in tech gadgets and consumer-technology trends. Columns run about 1600 words. Pay generally ranges between $500 and $600 per column. Qualified writers should e-mail resumes and clips (or portfolio URLs) to the attention of M. Susan Wilson, swilson@paradigmcg.com.
Money & More™ Magazine
PAY: $.15/word
Seeking contributing authors for 500-700 word articles for our upcoming Jan./Feb. issue. Deadline is short-November 15, 2006. The articles are in regards to taxes and are as follows:
1.Ways of Saving To Pay For Taxes
2.Making Sure You Have The Proper Documents For Your Tax Preparer
3.Investment Options For Tax Returns
4.Paying Taxes Online-Benefits and Detriments
All articles submitted to Money & More™ magazine must be original and objective, in keeping with the assigned theme and presented within deadline pending authorized permission. Most articles must feature at least one professional interview/reference, and include a list of sources and contact information. Article submissions may include graphics original to the author, which may or may not be utilized, and a mini bio. Payment is $0.15 per published word and a copy of the magazine, approximately two weeks after publication.
Elizabeth Chatman, Editor
Ph: 843.839.4726 Fax: 843.839.4724
1203 48th Ave. N. Suite 118 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Writer/Teacher needed for illustrated Social Studies Grade 5 and 6 lesson books
New York-based small publishing company seeks an experienced writer/teacher for an illustrated series of educational children's books in SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE 4. Applicant must have teaching experience and be able to write according to NY State Standards for curriculum (standards will be provided). Text/story must be written in a dialogue format in comic-book style panels, with instructions for the future illustrator. Each book has a different set of characters. Plenty of room for creative expression. This assignment requires 160 pages (20 lessons with 8 pages per lesson). Compensation is $250 per lesson, paid via direct deposit. Communication is on-line. Interested parties can contact Heather Chin at u105@englishbasic.com with CV/resume and for more information.
News Editor needed
The Post-Star, a 35,000 circulation newspaper in upstate New York, seeks a proven leader for its seven-person copy desk. We need someone that can be hands on some of the time, a teacher and mentor others. Knowledge of Quark Xpress helpful now, InDesign helpful within a year. We are an award-winning newspaper which places the bar high for our content and design. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, NY, 12801, tingley@poststar.com
Copy Editor
Designer/copy editor needed for 7-person copy desk at 35,000 circulation newspaper in beautiful Upstate New York. We are an award-winning, quality-oriented newspaper that has been a great incubator for copy editor talent at larger newspapers. Please send resume and design samples to Ken Tingley, Managing Editor, The Post-Star, P.O. Box 2157, Glens Falls, N.Y. or mailto:tingley@poststar.com
Assistant Editor
A.C.T.I.O.N magazine, a new publication is seeking an Assistant Editor to help with the day to day of starting a new magazine. This person should be well-organized and live in the Chicagoland area or close by. This person will assist the Editor in making decisions for the magazine for the first issue and so forth. This person should have at least 2-3 years of experience and willing to go to meetings and be apart of every aspect of decision making for this magazine. In addition to having strong word skills, applicants should be able to to at least design pages using QuarkXPress or Adobe Pagemaker. We are seeking someone who will welcome challenges and the opportunity for growth along with the publication. If you meet the qualifications for the position please send letter and resume to the attention of Kenya Nalls. Email address: mailto:knalls2006@yahoo.com
For more Freelance or Full time leads please go to The Jobrolls and Craigslist Today
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